Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa!!! I know HIM.............

I love to think of Buddy the elf when he talks about Santa. Santa is definitely his hero. I need to keep re-quoting Elf until I buy the movie myself. I love it, and yet, don't own it. One of my favorite Christmas movies for sure. Probably my favorite Christmas movie.

"Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?"

"Is there sugar in syrup? Then, yes, I do."

"Watch out for the yellow ones. They are not nice."

Ok, for real. I am done. Someone please buy my the movie stop me already.

All this Elf talk has me thinking about Santa. (Santa's Coming.....I KNOW HIM......you are not Santa.....oh yeah, then what did you sing me on my birthday last year?) ok, really, I am done. Really.

This time of year brings up a lot of discussion about Christians and Santa and whether or not Christians should celebrate Santa, and have their kids believe in Santa. Unashamedly I am a Santa believer, and will be Santa to my children.

I have fond memories of waking up on Christmas morning, wondering where all of those presents came from. My parents did an AMAZING job of being Santa. Santa had different handwriting, different wrapping paper, only half ate cookies because he had a lot to eat that night, carrots were left for reindeer and we would find them out in the yard. Mom and Dad would ring bells outside as if Santa was landing on the roof. It was wonderful and magical.

And you know what?

I love Jesus. So very much. He is everything to me and I intend to keep Him the center of our family during Christmas time. We bought Caleb a Little People Nativity set. I have been going through the characters with him, teaching him (at a two year old level) who each character is, and what role they play in the story. For instance, the wise men come and bring Jesus (THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD---said in a really loud excited voice) birthday presents, and then Caleb and I sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. We have this amazing book, and we are reading him the nativity story. I want my son to grow up and celebrate Jesus. This is what this season is about. We will be reading the Christmas story on Christmas Eve and will celebrate the birth of Jesus.  But, oh the magic of Santa!!

Our family will be a Santa family. (Still convincing Jon on this, not because he is not a Santa believer, but because he is not a gift giver). I want Christmas to have that magical feeling!

Like my friend Wendi said, Don't judge me, I won't judge you. I love Santa. Everything about him. Here's why:

1. On a very personal level, Santa in no ways hampered my love and devotion of Jesus, made me a more materialistic person or took my focus off the Savior. It was a time of childhood magic, receiving gifts (which is my love language) and celebrating with family.

2. We, as believers are to be in the world. Let's come alongside of the world during a materialistic time and hold the nativity and Santa in balance. It doesn't need to be either or.

3. Santa teaches mercy and grace. It is not about "checking the naughty list." Now yes, elves on the shelves and telling kids that Santa is watching their behavior may result in good behavior for a time, but let's be honest. Kids are kids. They are going to fail. They are going to misbehave. What a chance to teach mercy and grace. Mercy: not getting what you do deserve. Grace: Getting what we don't deserve. What parent buys presents for their kids and never gives it to them? What a great chance to talk about when we mess up, we fall, we seek Jesus ask forgiveness and He grants it. Santa is a tangible example. We mess up. We are sorry, Santa still gives gifts. Who knew? Theology in Santa!

4. The word Santa is not derived from the word Satan. It is most likely derived from the word Saint. And we know that Saint Nickolas was a real man, a giving and generous man. Why not use this as a time to teach about giving the way the original Saint Nickolas gave, and in turn, your kids can be blessed with some gifts as well. Teaching our kids about Santa does not take away from the nativity, but rather Santa exemplifies the grace, mercy, the generosity of the nativity.

5. It is a great lesson that we don't get what we want, and we don't always NEED what we want. This is where us as parents can bless our kids with some material possessions, but to say no to over-excess, no to  frivolous spending and attitudes that will make our children spoiled. There were times that Santa did not give me what I wanted, or gave me something that I did not want. Somehow, this was more justifiable when a relative gave me an unwanted gift, but Santa? He knew what I wanted, and didn't come through. It taught me that Christmas is not about what I get, but the joy in which I celebrate. The moment at which it becomes about me, I have lost the focus.

This is not a post to create arguments. I know that there are readers of this blog that disagree, some very close friends. I just wanted to share my excitement for the season and give some reasons as to why we do what we do.

When our children start asking questions about Santa, we will tell them the story of Saint Nikolas and how his legacy lives on today. And when doubts enter minds, Mom and Dad will work at ringing those sleigh bells outside on Christmas eve.

We will take our kiddos to visit Santa and add it to the scrapbooks.

We will talk about the nativity and what it means for us that Jesus came as a human being, just so He could die on the cross.

That is why He came right? No, I am not mixing my holidays up. He came to die. Generosity. Grace. Mercy.

And Santa is certainly a good present day parable to represent that mercy and grace.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Editing help!

I officially have more time on my hands. You know, between shopping, wrapping, cooking, and being a mom to a sick toddler. But anyways, more time on my hands to edit.

I am trying to branch out in my editing style, to do new fun things, but not go over board and look cheesey.  Which of the following photos do you prefer and why?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Once Upon a Fair

Once upon a time, there was little boy who loved tractors. He loved cars, buses, trains, trucks, anything that could go "VROOM VROOM" and had wheels.
His parents were very well aware of his love for all things with a motor, so they decided to take him to the combine derby at the country fair. 
"What a great idea,"  thought the mommy of the little boy. We can pet the animals and walk hand in hand, loving every moment, take fun pictures and eat delicious fair food. 
And then the mommy remembered that although the little boy loved animals, they did not rank in comparison to those things with motors. 
She kept living in her fantasy world. A fair is like a gigantic petting zoo, right? 
Kind of. But the boy would rather ride a tractor than the sweet little ponies. 
And he would rather watch combines destroy each other than anything else. 
And now, months later, that mommy knows exactly where "Car....crash...vroom....crash....." came from. 

It was that night at the fair. The night that the mommy knew for sure that her life was about to change. Babies are one thing, but being a mommy of a boy, a 2 year old boy involves a lot of "Vroom, vroom, crash!" 
The mommy of the little boy could not believe how much she enjoyed herself at the combine derby. By enjoyment, she means, that she will gladly go ONCE a year and only once a year. She so enjoyed seeing the smiles and awe on that baby boy's face. 

And she began to think about her perfect night at the fair. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Snow Baby

November 30

Crib Minute. Today I am very thankful for "Crib Minute."

A few months ago, Jon created "Crib Minute." Basically it is time where we feel like Caleb needs some alone time. He isn't necessarily bad, needing discipline, and he isn't needing a nap. It is that fine line where he is acting tired and whiny and some alone time might just do the trick.

And he loves it! We put him in his crib anywhere from 5-20 minutes and give him some alone time. During "Crib Minute" he can have some books, his pacifier and his puppy. (I am convinced that he only like "Crib Minute" because of his obsession with his pacifier and puppy. Whatever works.)

Caleb loves "Crib Minute" and Mom and Dad love "Crib Minute" too. In fact, just 10 minutes ago, he came up to me and said, "Carry you, crib minute." Roughly translated two year old speak: Carry me upstairs for some crib minute!

As Caleb enjoys his alone time, I am enjoying some time reading blogs:)

November 29

Today was an all around productive day. I am so pleased with all that was accomplished today. I am happy to have had the time and motivation to do it all!

-work out
-devotional time
-mommy to one crazy, "belly hurting child"
-cleaning out rental car, filling it up with gas, returning rental car in Jackson
-a stop to Target, Goodwill, KMart, the bank and GFS
-Email box is empty
-around 50 photos edited last night
-Playroom cleaned out, to be more useable, and to make it to a playroom/work out room
-Made a cd of photos, sent it in the mail
-eh mmm...... checked Pinterest
-had dinner with my family (which is a rarity around here, when daddy works day time and mommy works nights:)
-to bed early!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28

Today, I am thankful for my husband and his chance to stay home from work. We pulled into the driveway last night and dumped everything in the house and went to bed.

I had to work today. He took Caleb to the library, bought me Subway for lunch, got dinner, did all of the laundry, had more Caleb time, gave Caleb a bath, dealt with my dog, and was simply an amazing husband. Thankful for him!

November 27

I am thankful that I am sleeping in my own bed, that I am home safe and sound, thankful for my rock star husband driving us home and keeping his cool, being safe, staying awake and the chance to have uninterrupted conversation.

But most of all, I am thankful for this smile...

November 26

So thankful for Chic Filet Play place....even if Caleb did get stuck and I had to climb up and get him. It broke up our drive a little and we were able to play before many more hours of driving!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Noemeber 25

We had breakfast at a restaurant on the beach today. I am thankful that they sold mimosas. I didn't have one, but it made me chuckle and I was glad they sold them.

I love the water. Having breakfast oceanside was wonderful.

Speaking of ocean, we had day #2 at the beach and it was great! I got some much needed rest and sun. I took some awesome pictures and I cannot wait to get back home and start editing!

Most of all, I am thankful for a quiet place in Starbucks, time to work, time to be an introvert and time to recharge.

November 24

On thanksgiving Day, should I write a "more thankful than average post?"  Let me just type and we can see what comes out, ok? :) Deal. Because it's my blog, I can type what I want.

I am thankful for a bathroom in our bedroom. This will only last one more day, but it is so wonderful to climb out of bed and walk right into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. It is such motivation. I love it, even if it is just our vacation room.

I am thankful for Krista. A friend that I love deeply and have been walking through life with since college. I sat on the couch while everyone was watching football today and wrote her a really long letter. I am so glad that we are still writing letters to each other and pouring our hearts to each other.

I am extremely thankful for Ruth Hayley Barton--an author that is kicking my butt. I am finishing up a book of hers, and it is a very hard read. I read a chapter tonight that I just wanted to throw across the room, because I knew if I applied the truths in that chapter it would be a lot of hard and painful work. I am not sure if I want to do it. Even though this is frustrating, I am thankful that God uses people in my life to challenge me, even if they are authors I have never met.

I am thankful for the text that Wendi sent me today. I am very grateful for her friendship and our chance meeting. So glad that God brought us together and looking forward to many years of life together. 

I am thankful for my sister in law. I am thankful that I can count on her texts making me smile during some hard times. I am thankful that we are coming together as family, and not just "Jon's brother's, girlfriend." (Er....now wife.....but when I first met her). 

I am grateful that I have a job that I love, a job that is flexible, a job that has eternal meaning, a job that brings such joy to my life.

I am grateful for my external bounce flash. Taking pictures inside are much easier with my bounce flash pointed at the ceiling.

I am thankful for a chance to go to bed early today.

Thank you Lord, forgiving me so much to be thankful for.

Noveber 23

Today I am thankful for my massage. Jon and I are still in Orlando. We slept in and were discussing what to do with our day. We had until 8:30pm to pick up his brother from the airport. I decided I was going to call a spa and see if I could get a massage. I did, and it was fabulous.

Thank you Lord for giving us the means to splurge once in a while. Thank you for the gift of rest and relaxation.

Yeah for a massage!

(and for the rest of date with my husband)

November 22

Jon and I are staying at his grandparents house, 2 hours away from Orlando. Jon's brother is flying into Orlando tomorrow, and someone needs to come and pick him up from the airport. We were sent on an overnight away from Caleb. It was fabulous.

I booked a hotel room last night. I don't know if it was because it was so late in the game, or if this is off season, but we had a BEAUTIFUL hotel room for $60. I could end the thankfulness post right now. But I am not done being thankful!

I am thankful for family that wants to stay with Caleb and wants to give us time off. I am thankful that our families love our son so much. I am thankful that Caleb slept through the night we are told behaved well (though one can never tell with those grandparent colored glasses).

We went to Downtown Disney to an Irish pub and had some food and drinks. It was great to be together and to talk. We walked downtown holding hands and capped the night off with some ice cream. Everything was fabulous about this night.

Thank you Lord for giving me a great night with my husband.

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21

I love water. I love to be in water and to watch water. I experience God's power, beauty and majesty in water.

I was walking along the crashing waves on the Atlantic Ocean today I was worshipping the Lord as I gazed in wonder. The waves were crashing along side of me. How can this body of water both be so peaceful, and yet so incredibly fierce? I was in awe.

I loved seeing my baby enter the ocean for the first time. He was timid, but before long he was quickly giving me panic attacks, wanting to run straight into the ocean and get caught in the undertoe. "No hands mommy." No, honey. I am afraid in this fierce, powerful body of water, and when you weigh 21 pounds, mommy and daddy will be by your side. You will not be shark food.

Giggles and sheer delight! I loved every moment of being at the ocean with my baby boy. Can't wait to get home and edit those pictures!

Thank you Lord for creating bodies of water. Thank you for the refreshment that it brings. Thank you that it demonstrates your power! I love it!

Novemeber 20

This morning, our church had a ministry spotlight on InterVarsity.

I am thankful for a church that is faithfully encouraging me and praying for me as I work among college students.

I am thankful for Grace, who shared among the church about what God is doing among the students at Albion College.

I am grateful for what God is doing among students. I am so thankful for His work. It is crazy to see, and I am so awestruck. I am thankful that God has asked me to partner with Him.

And just in case you wanted to see a picture of what God is doing on campus, here ya go....

November 19

After close to 30 hours on the road, with a four hour stint/nap/shower in a hotel room, we made it to Jon's grandparents house in Florida. I am so grateful that we are here safely. I am thankful that God protected us and kept us safe on the road.  I am thankful that it wasn't until Orlando (2 hours away from us) when Caleb started saying, "All done car, all done movie, all done snacks, all done car," as if he was making up a song sharing his disdain for lengthy travels. So grateful to be here.

Bring on the vacation!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18

Today is easy! We are packing up for a nice long vacation. We haven't had a vacation since our honeymoon:)

I am thankful that Jon has family in Florida, so that we can have a relatively cheap trip.

I am thankful for my awesome neighbor driving me 20 minutes to get a rental car.

I am thankful for Jon's parents who are paying for us to get a rental car.

I am thankful that our car is packed. We have food, clothes, and stuff to entertain ourselves. I am grateful that we have the means to do this.

I am thankful that Jon can get some vacation time.

November 17

Today I am thankful  for a friend sending a birthday card in the mail with the sweetest gift ever. I am grateful that she thought about me on birthday, grateful that she knew what kind of awesome gift to get me, and very thankful for our friendship. I was thinking on these things and there may or may not have been tears welling up in my eyes, and some going down my face.

To which Caleb responds, "Mumma doing?" (Code for: What are you doing crazy mother of mine?) I responded, "Mumma's crying." He thought that was a hoot. For the rest of the day, I would hear something like this, "Mumma crying....WAHHHHH, WAHHHH." And resounding giggles.

When Jon got home from work, you can be sure that Caleb said, "Mumma crying....WAHHHHHH....WAHHHH" and laughed like it was the funniest thing he has ever heard. Afterall, what kind of crazy woman cries at a card? Certainly not my two year old!

Today, I am grateful for this dear friend, and for "Mumma crying."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16

Today I am grateful for my staff meeting. I am grateful for the organization that I work for.

Our staff meeting today was training on longevity in ministry. It was, in so many ways so so good. There was a time of teaching and a time of journaling, back and forth 3 times. Um, yes! Exactly how my brain works. It was also so so hard. It forced me to confront some issues that I have been putting aside, sweeping under the rug and running from. That wasn't so fun, but I am leaning into the work that Jesus is doing in my heart. Not fun, but good.

I am thankful for the community that I have with InterVarsity staff. There are few people in this world that I can be transparent with and one specific colleague is a person that asks specific questions, challenges me, and encourages me. Over lunch she was asking me how I have been doing practicing my spiritual gifts. I love that a) she asks those questions, b) that we have a relationship where she knows what my gifts are, c) that she keeps me accountable and d) that she cares whether or not I am working in my giftings.

Jon and I were working with a student tonight, having a tough conversation. I was so grateful that I can be in ministry with my husband. Grateful for the work that God has done in the life of my husband.

Thank you Jesus!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15

Today, I am thankful for November 15, 2010, our Forever Family Day.

We had our finalization hearing and Caleb was officially declared ours by the state of Michigan.

And we had cake. Lots of cake.

Thank you Lord, for bringing Caleb to our family!

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14

Thankful for sleeping in. I don't know the last time that I have done, and I am not sure when I will be able to do it again.

Thankful that the Lord gives rest to those He loves, and that taking a sabbath is a command. A command that is hard to follow through, but one that I fully enjoy.

Thankful that I could meet my mom and my grandma halfway, at the airport today to pick up Caleb. Which makes me thankful that my parents watched Caleb for the weekend.

Thankful for the Gospel, and how it impacted a student tonight. I don't know that I have ever shared so passionately, but God spoke through me. It was great to see things click and for her to have an even clearly picture of God's heart.

Thankful for students who want to know God's heart, and want to pursue it.

Thankful for students that want to end sex trafficking.

Thankful for new faces at InterVarsity tonight.

Thankful for some men wanting to lead with IV.

Going to bed with a smile on my face and joy in my heart.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13

My third favorite day of the year.

Today it was extra special. It was fun to celebrate with 700 of my closest friends. It was meaningful to see Albion students step out in God's call in mission. It was fun to hear my brother in law wish me "Happy Birthday" no less than 15 times. I am grateful for a dinner for 2 at Outback after Compelling with my husband--even if I did leave him there (we drove  separate) because I fell asleep on the table. I am grateful that God grants rest for the ones He loves.

I am grateful for the song that the Spirit won't let leave my heart, mind and soul today. "There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain." I am so grateful that through my tears, I have the hope in His power.


November 12

How can I possibly explain what God is doing in the lives of 700 college students across the state of Michigan today? I am not going to try. I will never do it justice. God, may you get all the glory!!

Today, I am grateful for God's call on my life. I am grateful that He is teaching me how to teach, that He has placed great coaches and trainers in my life to help me get to the next step.  I am grateful for the men and women who have gone before me in this process.

November 11


A day that I have been spending months preparing for and praying for.

Thankful that it is here! Thankful for the way God has sustained me. Thankful for how God has worked in me, and hoping that He will work through me.

Thankful for the start of Compelling2011!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10

Because I had a lot to do to prep for our fall conference this weekend, I had a babysitter come over and entertain Caleb so I could work.

When she left my plan was to quickly feed Caleb lunch and then put him down for a nap. Once he was done eating, he wanted to stay in my arms on the couch. We spent a good hour on the couch. He snuggled in tight and I told him stories and sang to him. It was one of the sweetest times with my boy.

I very thankful for Aggie, coming to babysit, for Melissa who finished the sheet sign I made, for Scott, Chad, and Aaron helping my husband tear down the deck, and for Becca who painted my nails.

The end.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9

I met him in high school. He was the new kid in town. His dad was our new superintendent for our school district. We ran in the same group of friends. We graduated high school. We went to the same college. We saw each other randomly. We graduated and moved into the real world. We haven't kept in touch more than what an average facebook post would communicate.

Until a few days ago. It all started with a facebok message.

See, my old high school friend Rod, works with Freedom Firm in India. He is working to arrest those who are trafficking women and child into the sex slave industry. They also are working on helping restore victims.

Tonight he came to Albion College. He shared all about Freedom Firm, showed a movie that they are making, and sold jewelery that the women make.

Tonight I am thankful for the ways that christians around the world are seeking justice among slaves. Do you know there are more slaves today, than during the trans-atlantic slave trade? Crazy, huh? I am grateful for Rod. I am grateful for his ministry, for him coming to Albion to share with students and to see how God has been working on his heart.

I am thankful for Albion students who want to do something about this cruel injustice. Cruel, cruel, cruel, evil. And they want to make it stop. I am so proud of them, and glad to partner with them.

And......I am going to host a jewelery party. The jewelery is made by form sex slaves, and used to give them income. Who is interested in purchasing some beautiful jewelery? I did tonight!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8

From the time I woke up today until the late hours into the night, the Lord has reminded me of how much He has given me and how much I have to be thankful for.

Yesterday I was feeling really sick to my stomach. Today...much better. I am thankful that I can eat again!

I have loads and loads of laundry that need to be put away. I am thankful that I have loads and loads of laundry. I am grateful for my drawers that are full and a full closest. I am thankful for a washing machine and dryer.

I am grateful for the pile of dishes in my sink right now. It means that my family had enough food to eat today. I am also grateful that I am going to go put them all in the dishwasher and I don't need to wash them by hand.

I am thankful for the joy that an afternoon cup of coffee brought me.

I am thankful that God blessed us enough that we could give some significant money away this afternoon to World Vision, and 4 missionaries. It's all His money anyways, we are just to be stewards of it.

I am thankful that I heard Caleb's first words when he woke up from his nap today.... singing the ABC's.

I am thankful that I have a little boy that climbs on me and tells me, "Mumma nuggle peez." (Mumma, Snuggle please:)

 I am thankful that I have two computers. When my laptop was dying today, I didn't have to get upset, just had to save my work, email it to myself and work on the desktop.

I am thankful that Jon took Lila crazy dog on a run today. She is sleeping soundly.

I am thankful at the sheer level of productivity that I have had today. I have no idea where it came from, but I want more of it:)

I am thankful for my brother in law. Just found out some things about his life, and this man is a man after God's heart. A man of integrity. I am grateful that I am related to him.

I am grateful for FSB. Don't know him? If you work with InterVarsity, then you know what I mean:) This man has the craziest schedule I have ever seen. He is always doing something, always has another project, is always traveling. In the last few months he has come alongside of me, coaching me on how to write a track for a conference from scratch. He has prayed for me, he has encouraged me, he has challenged me and he has sent me back to the drawing board causing many revisions. I am grateful for the way he has poured into me and the way he has sought my own staff development this year. I am so excited for Compelling. It is so soon. I am excited to try this new track out, and see what students think, to help them engage with God through the scriptures and to equip them for manuscript study. FSB has had a very  large role in making the 1 Samuel track happen.

I am thankful that I have a huge mess of a house to go clean up. It means that Caleb had a great time playing with his toys. It means that we have enough "stuff" to have a mess.

Tonight, I am simply going to bed thankful. Thankful for so much.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7

"Yes, yes yes. I would do things differently, but yes, if I had to do it all over I would ask you again."

Seeing those words on the bathroom mirror from my husband this morning is leaving me simply speechless. And in love.

I am thankful for that note on the mirror. Total gratitude/

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6

I am thankful that I woke up today in America.

Grateful that I could go to church without worry of persecution.

Grateful that I have a home, heat, a bed, food, clothes, 2 cars, 2 computers, 2 tv's, and the list goes on.

Grateful that I have my Bachelor's Degree, and that my dream of getting my MDiv. could actually happen because I live in a country, where education is more than a possibility.

November 5

Today I am grateful for photography.

For the means to be able to afford some photography equipment.

For the trust that people give me to photograph their precious moments in their lives.

For the small income coming into our house as a result of the photo shoots and weddings. 

I am grateful that I can worship God through photos.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4

I am thankful for my super hardworking, sometimes exhausted husband. I am thankful that he has a job that pay our bills so that I can work part time and stay home with Caleb A LOT. I had so much fun with my boy today. We had lots of snuggles and book reading. My heart melts around that boy, especially when he says, "Mumma!!!!" I respond, "Yes, Caleb?" He says: "Mumma, hug. Mumma snuggle." Don't mind if I do baby boy, don't mind if I do.

I am grateful for the nice weather. I sat outside on my porch today doing some prep work and watching Caleb pray.

I am thankful for my husband, the rec league soccer coach, even though he does not have kids on the team, he desires to be a part of the community and of course be a part of soccer.

I am so grateful that I found out I could eat pumpkin cookies during my Daniel Fast:) (Don't ask me how MANY I ate).

I am grateful for the men and women who have paved the way so that women can be in ministry.

And tonight, I am grateful that I will be in bed by 11pm.

I had to leave you with a picture of the cutest Thomas you have ever seen:)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3

Jon works during the day, I work at night. Jon has the weekends off, and I have been working most weekends, all weekend. Needless to say, we don't see each other much.

Tonight, we had a Family Night. I had nothing scheduled after 5:15. We loaded up Caleb and went to Kids N Stuff, our awesome local kids museum. Caleb LOVES it. He has so much fun playing that he usually wears himself out and comes right home and wants to go to bed. Tonight was no different. We quickly had some dinner, Jon went to bed early, and I put Caleb to bed as well... right now, my boys are sleeping peacefully upstairs and in just under and hour, I will be joining them:)

There was no romance, nothing special, just a time to be together.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Novemeber 2

IBS. No, not the bowel kind, the Bible kind.

Today I am very thankful for inductive Bible Study. I love learning the scriptures in a deep way.

I am part of InterVarsity, and by nature, we are scripture study-ers, studying scripture by manuscripting it. It is not uncommon for me to carry markers and colored pencils with me all the time, because I might just start studying the Bible, and would need markers and colored pencils.

The manuscript process...
1. Observe. What is the text saying? Act like a reporter, look for themes, repeated ideas and words, who are the characters, etc

2. Interpret. What did the text mean to the original audience?

3. Apply. What does the text mean to me today?

4. Integrate. How does this stand with the rest of scripture?

I am thankful that I have been taught how to study the Word of God. Though pastors and teachers are good, and needed, I don't need to wait until Sunday morning to learn on my own. I know that God has given me a brain and I can use it to study His word well. I am so grateful for that.

I am grateful that I get to teach students how to study the word. I am even grateful that I might be able to do more teaching of the Word at church (maybe).

Thank you Lord, for the study of Your word!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1

It's that time of the year!!!

Fall......hello pumpkin! I love fall, love the colors, love the flavors and smell and love the weather.

But no, that's not what I am talking about.

It is officially "Holiday Season." ---Thanksgiving and Christmas are getting closer day by day.

And as excited as I am for the holidays, that is still not what I am talking about.

What about the fact that Compelling is so very close?

Oh, it is close...and so much work to  do. But still not what I am talking about.

Do you know?

It is NOVEMBER----meaning the month of thankfulness. I will be joining with several others in the blogging world sharing each day about something I am thankful for.

Today....I am thankful for the students I work with. I am so excited to see their heart for the Lord,  their desire to be grounded in the Word of God, to live a life of prayer, and wanting to share their faith with others. I get to be a part of what they are doing! So glad that God has sent me here to work among these students.

I am grateful for the sacrifice they make in order to make God's name glorified on campus.

I am grateful for the way that we are all bonding together in prayer and fasting for the next 10 days. I am grateful that at 7am, 6 college students gathered in my living room, snuggled up in blankets, praying to the Lord.

Thank you Lord. Thank you for the amazing group of students that you have given me.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

They get my every time

Those eyes. 

And maybe his kisses. 

And his hugs. 
And his giggles. 

And when he says, "Snuggle mumma please."

Friday, October 28, 2011

I don't

I saw this idea in a blog that I read and thought I would copy it. Often we ask people what they do, here, you get to find out what I don't do:)

I DON'T.....

-like flowers as gifts

-like people complaining about how busy they are

-understand why slavery still exists

-keep my bedroom clean

-wash my pants every time I wear them

-think tea is a substitute for coffee

-start my morning without coffee

-know why God wants me to partner with Him in ministry

-know what I would do without amazing neighbors

-know how to be what I want to be

-eat food and drink at the same meal if I am at home

- like kid's character's on clothes

-have a clean house and it drives me crazy

-understand all that God is doing, but desperately want to follow Him

-have great female relationships in my life

-listen to Christian music (very often)

-ascribe to a denomination

-think people should dress up as cultures for Halloween (see this article)

-understand or enjoy Christian culture

-mind wiping snot from my child's nose every 3 seconds

-want my life to be wasted

-want to suffer from depression or anxiety anymore

-want to forget what I am passionate about

-want to stop dating my husband

-want to be uncomfortable in my own skin

-follow through as quickly as I make goals

-forgive easily (the Lord is helping me on this one)

-give enough of my money and possessions away

-have ice in my freezer

-have a top sheet on my bed. We sleep with a bottom sheet and separate blankets. No blanket hogs here!

-burn things in the kitchen as much as I used to.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's a random kind of day

Nothing was on the schedule today. Not that I didn't have to DO anything, but I did not have to rush out of the house for anything, very strange, and definitely strange on a Wednesday.

The day started by turning off my alarm clock on 5:30am. I took the time to sleep a little extra and woke up at 7:30a. Sweet extra sleep. So good. Isn't sleep just as good for the soul as it is for the body?

Caleb and I played, and played and played. We read, we giggled, we tickled. We had a great morning. It was so fun to concentrate on being his mommy.

He is down for a nap, I have some comfy clothes on, coffee in hand, and feel like writing a completely random blog post.
Some students on campus are participating in the One Dress Project. They are wearing one dress for at least a month, some until he new year in order to raise awareness and money about human traffiking. I am so proud of their initiative, of their desire to seek God's justice, of their boldness and hearts. It is definitely, an "I love my job" kind of day.

Speaking of which....I love my job. So many great things are happening on campus, and I get to be part of it! I get to be a part of training students in how to study the Bible inductively. I get to wrestle with students as they are dealing with tough heart issues and road blocks to faith. I get to pray and see answers to prayers. I get to see students gain a heart for the campus, that everyone would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. I get o read books as part of my job, because it is classified as training and discipleship. I get to study the Bible for my job. I can work out of my home.....or I don't have to. I have 30 tubs of cookie dough in my fridge because of my job. Just lots to be grateful for!

Next week, my brother in law, who is in InterVarsity student at  (cough, cough, insert rival school name, cough, cough)is coming to Albion to share with students how God has changed their InterVarsity chapter through prayer and evangelism. I am excited to hear what he is going to share. I am excited for Albion students to "get it," and to be mobilized in mission.
The photography business......growing like crazy. We met with a business consultant last night and let me say... O V E R   M Y   H E A D. There is a reason I am not in business. So much to do! But, we are growing and need to be legal, pay taxes, etc, so it is time to start this thing.

There is never NOT something to do with the photography business. Always seem like there is something to edit, a cd to be made, a client to get back to, props to make or buy, research on business planning, etc. Always somethin. I love and hate it. I love that it is growing and is giving me some extra income and allowing me to pursue a passion. Not so excited that I go to bed guilty knowing that I have 2 weddings, to 2 senior sessions to be edited. Not to mention the 5000 pictures of Caleb on my computer that I have never even looked at, let alone edit, because I have to do work pictures first.

The plumber's house always has the leaky faucet, right? :)
Currently reading:
Still finishing the Bible------almost through the Old Testament
God on Campus
Longing for More
Women in the Church

* I could probably write a whole blog post on what I am learning through each of these books*
I love fall.
I love the coolness, the leaves, the clothes, the colors, the flavors. LOVE IT.
Tonight the Strike Team from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City is coming to Albion. Cannot wait. Caleb will be with me, so I imagine that it will be an early night, but still. Cannot wait.

I had a summer goal to make it to the International House of Prayer in Elkhart, IN, but for reasons beyond my control, could not make it there this summer. Who wants to go with me this year? On a Tuesday night I believe.....
I really like coupon shopping.  
Caleb is huge.

Hello, my name is Kristin, and I am addicted to Pinterest.
The randomness, must come to an end.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The blog post in which, I am grateful for McDonald's smoothies

There was something special about that smoothie. Something about seeing his face light up as he drank the Cherry Berry Smoothie from McDonalds. Suddenly all is right with his small world. My baby has been and crank a potamus, for a few days. We have had no sleep in our house for 2 days. I am T I R E D. Beyond tired. I am been feeling like a mommy failure. We are so tired, he has been crying all the time, and is obviously not feeling well. He is old enough to communicate that he is hurting, in pain and crabby, but not quite old enough to tell me what hurts. Off to the doctor, sure enough, positive stress test. Poor kid. But, for a small second in Caleb's day, I was his hero. I made his world better. And I loved it. I think we started an "After the doctor tradition." I want to have something special with my lil man that is just between me and him. As he drank that smoothie, I felt like we were making a silent agreement. From now on, doctor's appointments = McDonalds Smoothies.

Do you remember the 90 Day Challenge?  Well the 90 Days ended last week. And I did not finish it.


Every part of me wants to crawl into a hole labeled "loser" and yet....Never before have I read so much of the Bible so quickly. I am days way from being done with the Old Testament. I am proud of that. I am proud that I learned how to challenge myself to get up early, to spend time in God's word, and to read larger portions of scripture than I have ever read at one time.

When I started this blog post.....there was a lot more in my head about what I was going to write......the tiredness must have gotten to me, because I can't remember.

On that note.....

Bed time:)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pinterest Challenege Week #1 Recap

Did you take the challenge? Did you DO something from your pinterest boards?

On Monday, Grace made these. They were as delicious as they were cute.

I tried a new cleaning schedule. It was hard. It is hard enough to do all the normal stuff running a house hold, let alone adding this list. But I love the template. Even if I cannot get it all completed on any given day, I still like to follow the general plan. I think it would be better if I could use the template and make my own.

What are ya'll doing this week?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I just want to save some money

For about a year I have been trying to figure out how we can save our family money. Who doesn't want to save money?  True, we are not rolling in the dough, but God has provided the needs for our family, but could we be a better steward with the money God has given us? Would be able to give more if we saved and cut in other areas?


Most definitely yes.

Enter in to the problem of my heart.

We have been called to live in "Itty Bitty Town."  Four years ago, I had never even heard of the town name and now I love it. I want to see it thrive. I want to see God work in  crazy ways. I want to be used. I love this town.

Because we love this town and want to see it thrive, we consciously spend our money here. We buy gas here, we use the local hardware store, the paint store,  go to the local restaurants,  I even go to the coffee shop that isn't that great. Most importantly,  we do our grocery shopping in town. Grocery shopping is where we spend most of our money, so it would seem like we would go to the local grocery store.

We want our town to thrive. We want businesses to grow and be supported. We don't want the only grocery store within 15 miles to leave our town. We want to be able to have a small part in providing jobs for our neighbors.

And yet..... shopping at the local store costs more than the big box stores in The Big City.

Where do I find the balance of saving money, and still support my grocery store?

Tonight, I attended a silent auction. My win?!?! A coupon binder:) Filled with lessons, ways to organize and coupons itself.

Problem: Most of the good coupons are for stores in The Big City.

Seriously? What's a girl to do?

What would you do?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pinterest Challenge

For those of you who know, I am a wee bit addicted to Pinterest. And why wouldn't I? It is simply amazing!! So many good ideas.

In the next month, I am photographing 3 weddings, in which I plan on putting several shots and photo idea to work. But what about the home decorating? The DIY projects? The food? Oh my goodness the food.

Have you all had this problem? Are you all addicted to Pinterest, or is it just me? If it just me, I will get counseling. If it a bunch of you guys, let's join in a Pinterest challenge.

The challenge: Pick 1 idea from Pinterest to do each week and then blog about it. If you don't blog, tell me about it!!! Can't wait! 

Who's in?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jumping In

We are officially jumping into the foster care game. Actually it is not a game at all. It is very very very real.

After thinking and praying for the past year about foster care, we had our first meeting tonight. It was just an orientation, but it is a start!

Lord, may you guide all of our steps! May you be glorified.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Friends like that....

I had to do a little project for a friend. She is attending some training that will help her in ministry, grow her as a Christ follower, among many other things.

The assignment: Explain how I experience her when she is hurt, lonely, afraid, confident, jubilant and at rest. For an introspective introvert this is sooo fun, and easy. It is easy because a) She and I respond to things in very similar ways, and b) I am close enough to her, that I actually felt like I knew those answers well.

These days, miles separate us. We are literally on opposite ends of the country, but our friendship is as close as it was when we saw each other 15 times a day in college. I think about the days of college and how we saw each other...A L L  T H E   T I M E. I think about our obsession with nacho cheese and brownies. I think about how we worked in the dining all together....next to each other. I think about our adventures in my car, that was more like a pond. I think about the times we prayed, poured our hearts out, and were real. I think about the frustrating times. I think about how she was influential in putting the night together when Jon proposed.  How could I ever let my beloved friend  move across the country?

She gets me. I get her. A look is all we need. In the past year, we started writing letters. WOW! Thought we were close then....writing letters is so....intimate, especially for an introvert who pours her heart out on paper and then sends across the country. We have both shared so much of our life in these letters. I wait for the mail to be delivered and anticipate my next letter with great joy. Sometimes reading the letters I laugh out loud, I remember times together, I stop and pray, I get all mushy, and sometimes I cry over the hard stuff that we experience in life.

Back to the assignment.

What a joy to be asked to share my thoughts on how I have experienced her in those different situations. Part of it is hard, because we do live far apart.

What a joy to know that I am in a relationship that is close enough to not only be asked those questions, but to have good and solid answers to give as feedback.

What a joy to know that in the midst of my daily struggle with relationships ( I have NEVER been good with relationships...) I have one that is constant. One where we are holding each other up, and living life together.

Today I am blessed by the reminder that I love Krista dearly. One of the closest and best relationships I have ever had with anyone. 

I cherish deep relationships, especially this one.

And without further ado, a series of K&K photos:)

Just a little picture of what I do and why I do it!

Transform-Renew-Change from InterVarsity twentyonehundred on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If Caleb can do it....so can I!

I am trying to get in the rhythm of working out right when I get up in the morning, but when my toddler decides not to sleep at all.... I get to work out with him. Wow. I know a burned some more calories than normal. I popped in the dvd and got a work out I wasn't expecting.

During the jump rope section....I held him as I jumped

During the push ups....he sat on my back, yelling and giggling, "HORSE"

During the ab section....he sat on my saying, "Mommy belly," which of course I took to mean, "Mommy, work harder to get rid of that belly."

 He keeps running around the house, going, "Jump mumma," (because of all the jumping jacks). Whew.

So Jillian Michaels, I have completed Day #4 of the 30 Day Shred (again). If you want to add tougher moves to your dvd's you could always hire my toddler. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Traverse Vacation: Wedding Edition (Part 2)

The real reason we went to Traverse City was for a wedding of an Albion InterVarsity student who graduated in May. We met some other Albion students up there and had a great time!   
Table favors--little jars of jam

I believe that Becca said she was trying to be Asian here.....

Cara! Your eyes, beautiful!!

The happy couple

The other happy couple

Becca, do you need help working the camera? Doesn't she look cute rockin the side pony?

Awwww. Some of my favorite girls (and Jon)

Cara and Jon

My attempt at being a paparazzi