Monday, March 31, 2008

This blog has been a long time coming :)

The lack of posts lately have been because of craziness! Last Monday, Jon and I ventured to Oakland County to visit his grandfather in the hospital. On Tuesday evening, his grandfather died, and we spent the rest of the week doing things, getting ready for the funeral, visitations, etc. Fun, fun. And, don't let me forget tons of hugs. I am definitely hugged out. Today I spent the day completely by myself, getting much needed quality time.

Despite, having to go through a death, it was so great to be with family. We don't spend a whole lot of time with the Sausser's and it was great to build better relationships.

It is officially April. Goals for this month:

1. Start working out again
2. Work on fund raising, with greater fervor and passion.
3. Find a place to call home, for a church.
4. Get students to go to Chapter Focus Week
5. Hang out with students on weekends.
6. End the semester well.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Miracle of the Body

I have never been one to enjoy hospitals- I doubt that most people do. Jon's grandpa has been a ventilator and in ICU for the past coupe of days, and we have been able to spend time in the hospital. It was incredible to see nurses and doctors who are passionate about their work. They were confident, approachable, and became someone that we looked forward to seeing.

It was amazing to me to see how the body was interconnected. When one thing went wrong, several things went wrong, and when one thing was getting better, many things were looking up. God really knew what he was doing when he was creating us. Praising the Lord as creator today!

Thankful Thursday #7

I know that this is a little late for Thursday, but Jon and I have been spending time in the hospital with family since Thursday. More on that later.

Thanking God this week for:
-Getting home safely in the snow. What was supposed to be an hour and a half drive, took over 5 hours, but the Lord kept us safe and on the road, even as we saw several, several cars spinning out and in ditches.
-Sleeping in my own bed, and having a fan as a noise maker.
-Autumn, Jade and Joe coming to campus to pray for the students and campus life here. It was a blessing to be held up by other believers.
-Authors like Shane Claiborne that challenge me in my thinking and in my walk with the Lord.
-Starbucks in the lobby of Crittendon Hospital, helped us stay awake and enjoy the hospital a little more.
-Panera Bread being right next to Crittendon Hospital, allowed Jon and I to take several trips to get family meals so they don't have to leave the hospital.
-Doctors and nurses who are passionate about their jobs and know what they are doing.
-Jon's grandpa improving greatly.
-A good time with Jon's family, despite meeting in the hospital.
-An amazing, amazing husband, who encourages me and loves me all the time.
-Jon's co-workers were very understanding when we got the call to come to the hospital, and encouraged him to do what he needed. During our time at the hospital, he felt like he could be with his family and not focus or worry about work all the time.
-God's constant provision.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Let the people of God pray!

A excerpt from my journal entry today: "This afternoon Jade, Autumn and Joe Liniarski came and we did a prayer walk around campus. It was so refreshing to have other believers come alongside of me and believe in what God is going to do on this campus. It was encouraging to me, and I want to be a part of what God is doing. I think I needed the strength of other believers. Thank you for giving me a burst of excitement."

Thank you to those who came and walked around campus and prayed today. It was amazing and exciting. I know that God wants to move on this campus and I feel like we are on the verge of something great. If you are ever in Albion, or want to stop by and pray, I would feel so blessed and I know that God will meet us.

I can't wait to see what God does. Stay posted, and wait in expectancy!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thankful Thursday #6

Thanking God this week for:

-God's grace and mercy. Time and time again I find myself failing in ministry and yet God still calls me to transform lives, renew the campus and develop world changers.
-A great weekend at home with friends and family
-A time to see beautiful babies!
-YAY for lunch and a great talk with Autumn
-Spring Break, a time of rest and work
-For my donors and people who are in prayer for the ministry here at Albion. I am reminded that I would not be able to do it without them.
-A fun dinner with Melissa and Zach at Outback
-A gut laugh, lots of gut laughs from Zach when he threw a golfball at Jon ( a 16 mo old)
-Jon's new employees are a great addition. They are good at their job and want to work hard.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Albion is officially on spring break, and I am officially spending my time.....halfway working and halfway resting. It has been great!!!

Everyone should be super proud of my husband. He has lost 20 pounds, and is looking great!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thankful Thursday #5

Thanking God this week for:

-being able to talk to my husband about Everything!
-God's FREEDOM!!!! I have experienced freedom this week that I haven't had in 24 years. His grace was lavished on me, and he reminded me that he gives freedom to my fears
-My amazing sister, and how I can tell her anything :)
-A great vision casting night this week with students!!!!
-Students are excited to be a part of the mission on campus!
-An encouraging email from my pastor
-the satisfaction from a clean house
-perfume, especially JLO and Desperate Housewives (yes I know, lame, but at least I smell good)
-a generous surprise gift from a donor!
-God providing for us financially in crazy ways all the time!!!!
-Building relationships with the point where I can be sarcastic, myself, be real, and lead them all at the same time.
-that my computer has lasted even when I think it should have died by now.

Casting Lasting Visions

This week has been very light with student ministry. Most of my students are busy preparing for mid terms.

On Monday as I prepared and prayed for Bible Study, I felt that the Lord was leading me in a different direction. He ended up leading me to casting a great vision for reaching the campus in the next four years. I explained what God was calling me to, asked them to join and they are sooo excited!!!! Many students asked if they could receive training from me, and have asked to go to chapter focus week.

PRAISE THE LORD!!! For the first time I am truly happy to be in Albion. I am truly excited that I am called here. I met with a student last night and told her that I hope that I am here in 10 years and I can tell the students then, that the students now have left a legacy for them.

Spring Break starts next week. I will be spending most of it planning the rest of the semester and praying for a great thing to happen!!!

Please pray:
-that God would raise up leaders
-that I would know how to train students
-that I would have wisdom and discernment in how to lead
-that I would be fully funded, so I can focus on ministry