Thursday, October 6, 2011

I just want to save some money

For about a year I have been trying to figure out how we can save our family money. Who doesn't want to save money?  True, we are not rolling in the dough, but God has provided the needs for our family, but could we be a better steward with the money God has given us? Would be able to give more if we saved and cut in other areas?


Most definitely yes.

Enter in to the problem of my heart.

We have been called to live in "Itty Bitty Town."  Four years ago, I had never even heard of the town name and now I love it. I want to see it thrive. I want to see God work in  crazy ways. I want to be used. I love this town.

Because we love this town and want to see it thrive, we consciously spend our money here. We buy gas here, we use the local hardware store, the paint store,  go to the local restaurants,  I even go to the coffee shop that isn't that great. Most importantly,  we do our grocery shopping in town. Grocery shopping is where we spend most of our money, so it would seem like we would go to the local grocery store.

We want our town to thrive. We want businesses to grow and be supported. We don't want the only grocery store within 15 miles to leave our town. We want to be able to have a small part in providing jobs for our neighbors.

And yet..... shopping at the local store costs more than the big box stores in The Big City.

Where do I find the balance of saving money, and still support my grocery store?

Tonight, I attended a silent auction. My win?!?! A coupon binder:) Filled with lessons, ways to organize and coupons itself.

Problem: Most of the good coupons are for stores in The Big City.

Seriously? What's a girl to do?

What would you do?

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