Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8

From the time I woke up today until the late hours into the night, the Lord has reminded me of how much He has given me and how much I have to be thankful for.

Yesterday I was feeling really sick to my stomach. Today...much better. I am thankful that I can eat again!

I have loads and loads of laundry that need to be put away. I am thankful that I have loads and loads of laundry. I am grateful for my drawers that are full and a full closest. I am thankful for a washing machine and dryer.

I am grateful for the pile of dishes in my sink right now. It means that my family had enough food to eat today. I am also grateful that I am going to go put them all in the dishwasher and I don't need to wash them by hand.

I am thankful for the joy that an afternoon cup of coffee brought me.

I am thankful that God blessed us enough that we could give some significant money away this afternoon to World Vision, and 4 missionaries. It's all His money anyways, we are just to be stewards of it.

I am thankful that I heard Caleb's first words when he woke up from his nap today.... singing the ABC's.

I am thankful that I have a little boy that climbs on me and tells me, "Mumma nuggle peez." (Mumma, Snuggle please:)

 I am thankful that I have two computers. When my laptop was dying today, I didn't have to get upset, just had to save my work, email it to myself and work on the desktop.

I am thankful that Jon took Lila crazy dog on a run today. She is sleeping soundly.

I am thankful at the sheer level of productivity that I have had today. I have no idea where it came from, but I want more of it:)

I am thankful for my brother in law. Just found out some things about his life, and this man is a man after God's heart. A man of integrity. I am grateful that I am related to him.

I am grateful for FSB. Don't know him? If you work with InterVarsity, then you know what I mean:) This man has the craziest schedule I have ever seen. He is always doing something, always has another project, is always traveling. In the last few months he has come alongside of me, coaching me on how to write a track for a conference from scratch. He has prayed for me, he has encouraged me, he has challenged me and he has sent me back to the drawing board causing many revisions. I am grateful for the way he has poured into me and the way he has sought my own staff development this year. I am so excited for Compelling. It is so soon. I am excited to try this new track out, and see what students think, to help them engage with God through the scriptures and to equip them for manuscript study. FSB has had a very  large role in making the 1 Samuel track happen.

I am thankful that I have a huge mess of a house to go clean up. It means that Caleb had a great time playing with his toys. It means that we have enough "stuff" to have a mess.

Tonight, I am simply going to bed thankful. Thankful for so much.

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