Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30

Crib Minute. Today I am very thankful for "Crib Minute."

A few months ago, Jon created "Crib Minute." Basically it is time where we feel like Caleb needs some alone time. He isn't necessarily bad, needing discipline, and he isn't needing a nap. It is that fine line where he is acting tired and whiny and some alone time might just do the trick.

And he loves it! We put him in his crib anywhere from 5-20 minutes and give him some alone time. During "Crib Minute" he can have some books, his pacifier and his puppy. (I am convinced that he only like "Crib Minute" because of his obsession with his pacifier and puppy. Whatever works.)

Caleb loves "Crib Minute" and Mom and Dad love "Crib Minute" too. In fact, just 10 minutes ago, he came up to me and said, "Carry you, crib minute." Roughly translated two year old speak: Carry me upstairs for some crib minute!

As Caleb enjoys his alone time, I am enjoying some time reading blogs:)

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