Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Novemeber 2

IBS. No, not the bowel kind, the Bible kind.

Today I am very thankful for inductive Bible Study. I love learning the scriptures in a deep way.

I am part of InterVarsity, and by nature, we are scripture study-ers, studying scripture by manuscripting it. It is not uncommon for me to carry markers and colored pencils with me all the time, because I might just start studying the Bible, and would need markers and colored pencils.

The manuscript process...
1. Observe. What is the text saying? Act like a reporter, look for themes, repeated ideas and words, who are the characters, etc

2. Interpret. What did the text mean to the original audience?

3. Apply. What does the text mean to me today?

4. Integrate. How does this stand with the rest of scripture?

I am thankful that I have been taught how to study the Word of God. Though pastors and teachers are good, and needed, I don't need to wait until Sunday morning to learn on my own. I know that God has given me a brain and I can use it to study His word well. I am so grateful for that.

I am grateful that I get to teach students how to study the word. I am even grateful that I might be able to do more teaching of the Word at church (maybe).

Thank you Lord, for the study of Your word!

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

And I am really grateful that you introduced me to this kind of studying too! :)