Monday, December 19, 2011

Editing help!

I officially have more time on my hands. You know, between shopping, wrapping, cooking, and being a mom to a sick toddler. But anyways, more time on my hands to edit.

I am trying to branch out in my editing style, to do new fun things, but not go over board and look cheesey.  Which of the following photos do you prefer and why?


Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

First one. I LOVE it.Crisp color, just the right amount of light. -And pretty florabella snow. ;)

Holly said...

I'm not voting for number 1 just because another professional identified it as a great photo... I think the contrast between those beautiful eyes so clearly defined and the hazy look of the snow makes for perfect art.

Krista said...

Definitely number one!!! I want to see a close-up picture of that precious face with that adorable grin more than anything. And it's so clear!