Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pinterest Challenge

For those of you who know, I am a wee bit addicted to Pinterest. And why wouldn't I? It is simply amazing!! So many good ideas.

In the next month, I am photographing 3 weddings, in which I plan on putting several shots and photo idea to work. But what about the home decorating? The DIY projects? The food? Oh my goodness the food.

Have you all had this problem? Are you all addicted to Pinterest, or is it just me? If it just me, I will get counseling. If it a bunch of you guys, let's join in a Pinterest challenge.

The challenge: Pick 1 idea from Pinterest to do each week and then blog about it. If you don't blog, tell me about it!!! Can't wait! 

Who's in?


Arlona said...

Tell me how to get to Pinterest and what you do there.

Stephanie said...

I'm in!!! =) I'm trying to do this anyway to save money. I've already made my own dishwasher detergent, laundry soap, and liquid hand soap. =D

Cristina said...

I have been checking out pinterest, but do you have to allow them to access all your facebook stuff in order to join? I was all set and then I got to the last step and I just couldn't bring myself to agree to that. Did you find a way around that? Cristina T