Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10

Because I had a lot to do to prep for our fall conference this weekend, I had a babysitter come over and entertain Caleb so I could work.

When she left my plan was to quickly feed Caleb lunch and then put him down for a nap. Once he was done eating, he wanted to stay in my arms on the couch. We spent a good hour on the couch. He snuggled in tight and I told him stories and sang to him. It was one of the sweetest times with my boy.

I very thankful for Aggie, coming to babysit, for Melissa who finished the sheet sign I made, for Scott, Chad, and Aaron helping my husband tear down the deck, and for Becca who painted my nails.

The end.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

Dude, way to go on the 9 pounds lost!! Looks like we are on the journey together again! Look forward to catching up :)