Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 29

Today was an all around productive day. I am so pleased with all that was accomplished today. I am happy to have had the time and motivation to do it all!

-work out
-devotional time
-mommy to one crazy, "belly hurting child"
-cleaning out rental car, filling it up with gas, returning rental car in Jackson
-a stop to Target, Goodwill, KMart, the bank and GFS
-Email box is empty
-around 50 photos edited last night
-Playroom cleaned out, to be more useable, and to make it to a playroom/work out room
-Made a cd of photos, sent it in the mail
-eh mmm...... checked Pinterest
-had dinner with my family (which is a rarity around here, when daddy works day time and mommy works nights:)
-to bed early!

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