Friday, November 18, 2011

November 17

Today I am thankful  for a friend sending a birthday card in the mail with the sweetest gift ever. I am grateful that she thought about me on birthday, grateful that she knew what kind of awesome gift to get me, and very thankful for our friendship. I was thinking on these things and there may or may not have been tears welling up in my eyes, and some going down my face.

To which Caleb responds, "Mumma doing?" (Code for: What are you doing crazy mother of mine?) I responded, "Mumma's crying." He thought that was a hoot. For the rest of the day, I would hear something like this, "Mumma crying....WAHHHHH, WAHHHH." And resounding giggles.

When Jon got home from work, you can be sure that Caleb said, "Mumma crying....WAHHHHHH....WAHHHH" and laughed like it was the funniest thing he has ever heard. Afterall, what kind of crazy woman cries at a card? Certainly not my two year old!

Today, I am grateful for this dear friend, and for "Mumma crying."

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

:) My little men used to get suepr concerned when this mumma would cry. But then they realized it's a fairly normal part of our lives... so they take it all in stride now. :)

Love you bunches.