Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If Caleb can do it....so can I!

I am trying to get in the rhythm of working out right when I get up in the morning, but when my toddler decides not to sleep at all.... I get to work out with him. Wow. I know a burned some more calories than normal. I popped in the dvd and got a work out I wasn't expecting.

During the jump rope section....I held him as I jumped

During the push ups....he sat on my back, yelling and giggling, "HORSE"

During the ab section....he sat on my saying, "Mommy belly," which of course I took to mean, "Mommy, work harder to get rid of that belly."

 He keeps running around the house, going, "Jump mumma," (because of all the jumping jacks). Whew.

So Jillian Michaels, I have completed Day #4 of the 30 Day Shred (again). If you want to add tougher moves to your dvd's you could always hire my toddler. 

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