Monday, April 29, 2013

A Prayer Team for my Chicky Baby

Every once in a while, I feel like God is really speaking to me. I have spent the last week praying and seeking the Lord about Chicky Baby. (Caleb has named BabyGirl "Chicken). I have been asking how we should proceed. It is always a weird process to pray for an adoption to happen, especially through foster care. In order for us to adopt a child, it means that their biological parents, for whatever reason could not take care of them. That is a hard pill to swallow and humbles me on most days. 

Throughout this week, God has been challenging me to build a team of pray-ers for Chicky Baby. Not just people who throw random wishes and hopes up to the heavens, but people who will be on their knees, seeking the Lord, and hearing His voice for us in this situation. 

God has confirmed that it is indeed His desire that we pray that this adoption goes through. 

First challenge: This week..... 
-Chicky Baby is coming home today. 
-Caleb will meet his chicken for the first time:) 
-There is a court hearing this week. 

So friends, if you want to join this prayer team, let me know. You will receive more  information than what is available on this blog. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Baby Girl! (Maybe)

We have a baby girl (maybe). That, unforutately will be my mantra until the adoption is finalized. There is so much up in the air with this case, and I want to guard my heart, but so so excited that this is a very real possibility.

There is so much I want to write on here, and yet, because of Baby A being an open foster care case, I just can't.

Before you jump all over me, and say, "Say said you were taking a break," let me put your minds at ease.
1. We are still taking a break. Baby A is still in the hospital, and could be for a while. We really don't know.

2. It has been four weeks already.

3. We took a break from foster care, not adoption.

4. I \told God," we'll take a break, but if you bring us a newborn, baby girl who can be adopted, we will say yes."

We don't know much. Baby A was born 4 weeks premature, addicted to drugs. She is still in the hospital, gaining weight and going through drug withdrawl. Parents rights will be terminated soon. the agency has asked us to pursue adoption with her, though not guaranteeing that no family members will be stepping forward.

We have not met Baby A. That may be the hardest part. She is in the hospital, but her mom and dad right now are visiting her, and the agency doesn't know if it would be a good idea for us to run into them. Ah. Not a good idea to tell me, "Hey you're a mom, but you can't meet her."

So that's it folks. I wish there was more to tell you, but there's not.

I already know that if the adoption fails, my heart will be broken. I am already attached to this girl I have never met. I already love her. She is already mine.

Except she's not. She is God's daughter. God has the right to choose whether or not we get to raise her as our daughter or not. And I am really ok with that. I know that if the adoption fails, I will be hurt, but I am so sure that God is in control in this....even if the outcome is not what I want.

So pray friends!
-Pray that Baby A will gain weight and withdraw quickly from drugs.
-Pray that she would bond quickly with us and know us well.
-Pray that parents rights would be terminated quickly
-Pray that we would work well with all caseworkers involved.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Three Year Old Theology

I love talking about God with my son. I have big dreams and prayers for him to grow up to be a man after God's heart, who is passionate about the word of God and is gifted in teaching. May it be so Lord.

Yesterday we were sitting on the couch having a discussion about thankfulness. I asked him what he could be thankful for.

"Thank you mommy for my snack!"

You're welcome. Is there anything else you could be thankful for?

"Thank you daddy for going to work so you can by me toy story."

Is there anything that you can thank God for?

"Thank you God for saving me."


I was taken back. We don't use the term "saved" in our house, (insert soap box for a later post) but we do go to a church that uses it often. It is totally possible that he heard it at church, but I was almost certain he didn't know what it meant.

Buddy, how does God save you?

"Well, God is like a super hero. Super heros don't hurt people. They save people. So God saves people. Because he is a super hero."

And there you have it.

Theology, from a three year old.

He could write books I tell ya.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

For the Fellow Ragamuffins

I was pretty sure that God loved the world. I read that in the Bible and people told me that God loved people. I started to believe it. 

Kind of. 

I was certain that God would love the murderers, the adulterers, you know, the "big" sinners, but there was no way God could love me. If God could read hearts, which I knew He did, He would know how dirty, selfish, and broken I was. He would see my failures, my pride, my raw sin. 

I talked a pretty good talk. I loved telling people how much God loved them, totally believing in my heart that there was no way that He could love me. 

My mind completely believed this, which lead to me feeling like God didn't love me. Soon enough, I began acting on it. I hid my heart from God, I didn't want Him to know where I was struggling. This sent me into a tail spin of depression and self mutilation, both physically and mentally. If God didn't love me, I certainly wasn't going to love myself. My value and worth plummeted. 

By the grace of God, I was introduced to Brennan Manning through his book "The Ragamuffin Gospel." God used this book to shape my identity in Jesus. I learned that God knew my heart, and it was ok. He knew my fact, it was because of my brokenness that He came to die on the cross.  

An excerpt from the book: 
"This book is not for the super spiritual. 
 It is not for muscular Christians who have made John Wayne and not Jesus their hero. 
 It is not for academicians who would imprison Jesus in the ivory tower of exegesis. 
 It is not for noisy, feel-good folks who manipulate Christian into a naked appeal to emotion. 
 It is not for hooded mystics who want magic in their religion. 
 It is not for Allelulia Christians who live only on the mountaintop and have never visited the valley of desolation. 
 It is not for the fearless and tearless. 
 It is not for red-hot zealots who boast with the rich young ruler of the gospels: 'All of these commandments I have kept from my youth.' 
 It is not for the complacent, hoisting over their shoulder a tote-bag of honors, diplomas, and good works actually believing they have it made. 
 It is not for legalists who would rather surrender control of their souls to rules than run the risk of living in union with Jesus. 
 If anyone is still reading along, The Ragamuffin Gospel was written for the bedraggled, beat-up, and burnt-out. 
 It is for the sorely burdened who are still shifting the heavy suitcase from one hand to the other. 
 It is for the wobbly and weak-kneed who know that they don't have it altogether and are too proud to accept the handout of amazing grace
 It is for inconsistent, unsteady disciples whose cheese is falling off their cracker. 
 It is for the poor, weak, sinful men and women with heriditary faults and limited talents. 
 It is for earthen vessels who shuffle along on feet of clay. 
 It is for the bent and the bruised who feel that their lives are a grave disappointment to God. 
It is for smart people who know they are stupid and honest scalawags. "

Ah. Finally a book about me. Shoot. A book about me. How did he know so much about my life? When I sat in the office of the youth pastor of the church I grew up in, and he made me read the above excerpt, I thought that both he, and Brennan Manning have been reading my journal. How did they know? 

And so began a beautiful journey. A journey where I knew it was ok to be vulnerable with God. Much of my intimacy with Jesus today looks like today is because of the words penned by Brennan Manning. A journey that included me throwing some of Brennan;s books against the wall, when they may have spoke too much truth. A journey that was tear-stained and real. A journey of freedom.  

Today, the world lost Brennan. He is now in the arms of His Savior. I am forever grateful for his influence in my life, and for those who encouraged me to push through the harsh words of his. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Daily Cleaning 101

During April, we are focusing on being a family of three and putting our life back together. In the middle of May, we will go back to have foster children in our home again. I wanted to spend time together has a family, deep clean and organize our house, create a workable routine and schedule that will work no matter how many children are in the house, finish the semester well with InterVarstiy and get back to working out and eating healthy. 

We are off to a good start, with lots of help from my good friend Pinterest. I am going to be tackling one "project" from Pinterest. This week, I worked on "Daily Cleaning 101" from A Bowl Full of Lemons.  It has been amazingly easy to keep a pretty clean house by doing these steps each day. Still not perfect, but I don't wake up feeling overwhelmed with a cluttered house. 

I have been struggling with insomnia a bit. The good news: I have also used Pinterest to organize our tv stand and underneath the kitchen sink. One step at a time. 

I am going to continue to use my time on Pinterest as a way to make life better (and to justify my time looking at the site). 

Any great ideas that you are doing this week? Recipes? DIY projects? Organization? Cleaning tips? Work out plans? 

Easter Egg Hunt 2013

My way to big boy. 

There she is! Isn't my niece awesome? 

See, he looks good with a baby girl. I think we need one:)