Sunday, September 26, 2010

I can't help but to look at that load on your shoulders. I can't help but notice it. I am not sure if the whole world can see it, but I can. Actually, you hide it well, so everyone else probably does not know.

Either way, I guess it doesn't matter if anyone notices or not. I notice. I notice everything. I hurt for you. I pray for you. A LOT.

I long to be the friend that is sacrificial, full of love and grace, with wisdom and honesty and tact, lots of tact. But I am not. I am so not that person. I am actually pretty selfish. I think about myself a lot.

Maybe this time. Maybe this time will be the time that I carry your burdens. Maybe this will be the time that I walk through life with you, with your pain and your junk, because we all have it don't we? Maybe this is the time that I bring Kleenex with me, because I know you are hurting, and I know that tears will come.

I know that I won't know what to say. I never do. I am never the friend that has wise words and great advice. I really don't. I stumble with my words and can't get anything to come out of my mouth right.

I am learning to be a new friend.

They are not too
Not for me.
And definitely,
Not for Him.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Proof that I am a mom of a boy

I never thought I would have a boy. Never. I am a pink girl (take notice of the shirt I have on). I love girly, frilly, pink things. I don't enjoy being outside where I there is dirt, bugs and dare I say....snakes! There is nothing about me that says stereotypical boy.

Slowly but surely the reality that I am the mom of boy is hitting me.

When I hear a loud car I start making those noises (sometimes with Caleb and sometimes, ahem, by myself).

I see puddles and wondering if he is too young to go jump on them.

I think about the "weapons" that he is going to use as he spars with friends, trees, anything in his way.

I am constantly wiped out because this little guy DOES.NOT.STOP. He is a busy boy, and he is on the go.

I can sit for a long time and watch cars go by (both on the couch looking out the window and out the front porch)

When I go into stores, I can (with some willpower) sweep past the pink stuff and into the boy dept.

I think about "Boy birthday party themes" and "Boy bedroom and themes" and most importantly, boy scrap booking ideas.

I am in love with this boy. Is there any other proof that I need?

If there is....I was talking with someone today and they asked if we were going to adopt again. I quickly told them yes. They asked if we wanted a boy or girl. Without hesitation, I said, "I would love a girl, but there is a huge need to adopt African American boys. That's where the need is, that's where our heart is and that is probably what we will do." 


Did I just say I wanted MORE boys in my house?

Not today. But I am saying yes to where God leads.

Even if that is with a household of boys.

But I deserve it

Jon and I went out a date this past weekend. This mission: Find a bridesmaid dress, and enjoy a meal together, sans Caleb. Mission Accomplished.

I found it. I found THE dress. Next mission: find THE shoes. I quickly ignored the voice that said, "Kristin you have black shoes at home. You don't need another pair." I replaced that inner voice with, I am in 2 weddings, and need new black shoes! I had even convinced Jon.

We were in the mall and something came over me. I wanted more, I needed more. We strolled by Bath and Body Works and suddenly I realized that we were running out of the wall flower refills. While in Bath and Body Works, I decided that their new perfume would be nice to have, Jon even like the smell. And what about the hand soap? Everyone needs handsoap.

Do you know that fall is here? Do you know that fall = pumpkin flavored coffee? Do you know that I love coffee and ALL things pumpkin flavored?

Success of the night= walking out of the mall, with ONLY the dress hand. I had purchased nothing else.

Not because I have extreme will power (those who have followed my weight loss struggle would know that).

Not even because we are working hard on saving every penny.

But because this phrase keeps popping in my head...... "I really like____________________, but I hate  slavery." For instance, "I really love coffee, but I hate slavery." I hate that people are bought and taken captive, and treated inhumanely so that I can enjoy things I buy things at the mall.

How much do I hate slavery? I say I hate it a lot. Right now...I am working on showing that I hate it through my wallet. I am trying to be conscious of the things I buy. I don't want my selfishness to be a reason for other people to be treated poorly. Do I give as much to ending modern day slavery as much as I spend at the mall?

Does this cross your mind as you shop? Do you think of the women and children who are paid little to nothing to sweat and labor over that "must have new outfit?"

I am looking for resources, as always to help with this process. Where can I find out about fair trade food and goods, including clothes, shoes and jewelery? What do you do?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday {Guess who's standing?}

Ok, ok, ok. I had you fooled.....

He MAY have a little help from Aunt J in the back. Not quite to the standing phase yet...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Caleb is 8 1/2 months old. 

We have bought two packages of diapers. 

Thanks to friends and family and the Lord's provision. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quotes turned Blog Worthy

I am a campus minister, seeking to be a part of transforming students and faculty, renewing the campus and developing world changers. I want to see students grow in love for God, His Word, His people and His purposes.

With that being said, I have students say the following to me since school has started this year:

-"I am here to lead. I want to be a light."

-"I talked with some girls in my FYE group about Christianity."

-"I need your help. I want to study the Bible but don't know where to start."

-"Can I come to InterVarsity if I am not a christian? I am seeking religion. Will you tell me what you believe?"

-"Why do we do missions? Because Jesus said so."

-"I talked to a chinese girl about Jesus today."

May God have his way on this campus and in these students lives.

Monday, September 6, 2010

We were so excited to spend the holiday weekend on the lake. We had lots of boating and tubing to do. We had lots of sun to enjoy, were hoping to have a great end to a fabulous summer, the best summer thus far:)

Well, it was fabulous. It was great, but definitely not as planned.

Do you see anything wrong with these pictures? 

Did you figure out what is so wrong with these pictures?

Maybe the fact that we had far too many clothes on for Labor Day weekend?

Maybe the fact that Caleb had a snow hat on.....because it was sooo cold?

Or because we had to play with the tube on the grass and not in the water?

It was a cold one, but definitely a great Labor Day Weekend!