Thursday, October 13, 2011

The blog post in which, I am grateful for McDonald's smoothies

There was something special about that smoothie. Something about seeing his face light up as he drank the Cherry Berry Smoothie from McDonalds. Suddenly all is right with his small world. My baby has been and crank a potamus, for a few days. We have had no sleep in our house for 2 days. I am T I R E D. Beyond tired. I am been feeling like a mommy failure. We are so tired, he has been crying all the time, and is obviously not feeling well. He is old enough to communicate that he is hurting, in pain and crabby, but not quite old enough to tell me what hurts. Off to the doctor, sure enough, positive stress test. Poor kid. But, for a small second in Caleb's day, I was his hero. I made his world better. And I loved it. I think we started an "After the doctor tradition." I want to have something special with my lil man that is just between me and him. As he drank that smoothie, I felt like we were making a silent agreement. From now on, doctor's appointments = McDonalds Smoothies.

Do you remember the 90 Day Challenge?  Well the 90 Days ended last week. And I did not finish it.


Every part of me wants to crawl into a hole labeled "loser" and yet....Never before have I read so much of the Bible so quickly. I am days way from being done with the Old Testament. I am proud of that. I am proud that I learned how to challenge myself to get up early, to spend time in God's word, and to read larger portions of scripture than I have ever read at one time.

When I started this blog post.....there was a lot more in my head about what I was going to write......the tiredness must have gotten to me, because I can't remember.

On that note.....

Bed time:)

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