Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Overheard at my house....

Jon and G (8 year old foster son) reading:
G: Do I have to read all this? That's a lot of words.
Jon: Yes, it's good practice.
G: Dang it.

When Caleb is stalling, particularly for nap or bed time, his tactics are to add things to his prayer list. The first thing to add, "Mommy pray for church." So we pray for our church....

And then he says, "Mommy pray for....for....um....pray for....."

And then he says, " I need something." We asks what he needs, and he responds, "Something."

Utterly annoying.
Caleb: "Can I have juice with a straw and a wrapper?"
Me: "You mean a juice box?"
Caleb: "Yes."
Me: "Caleb, why don't you go get yourself a kleenex and wipe your nose?"
Caleb: "Ok"
Caleb walking towards the bathroom...."Can I just look for money instead?"
Whenever Caleb gets in trouble, he gets sent to his room or to the stairs for time out. We then will go talk with him and talk about why he is in time out. His response is always, "But I a good boy."

While pouring Caleb some milk.
Caleb: "Is that warm milk or cold?"
Me: "Cold. I just got it out of the fridge."
Caleb: "This house is weird."

Caleb: "Mom, am I adopted?"
Me: "Yes, you are!" (ready to start a long age appropriate conversation).
Caleb."Ok" (and runs off to play).


Caleb: "Baby J has black face, I have a brown face, you have a white face."
Me: "Yes, God made us all that way."
Caleb: "Good. So you know?"  (As if I missed that the past three years)

G to Caleb (a normal, everyday argument): "You snotty nose, you don't even know what 8+9 is."
Caleb: "Hahahha. Nope."

1 comment:

Krista said...

I LOVE this post!!! I laughed-out-loud my way through it. :)