Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2- Grateful that there is lots to be grateful for:)

Today was an all around pretty good day, so I am grateful for a lot today!

1. Sleeping in. There was no school today, so we slept in. I slept till 7am, baby J woke up at 7:15, G at 8, and Caleb at 9:15. It was grand! I love lazy days.

2. Wendi's house. There was a time in my life where I visited Wendi's house at least once a week. is a success if I visit once a month. Life has gotten busy. Wendi is one of my dearest friends and co-business partners. Her boys had school off, so it was a giant chaotic, boy playground while the mamma's chatted. It was so good to catch up.

3. Becca. Becca lived with us last summer and gave us movie gift certificates. Tonight she babysat all three of the crazy kids and we cashed in her gift certificates.

4. Date night! Adult Conversation. Movie. Sangria. Boneless bbq wings. No kids. Need I say more?

5. G had a good day. More days than not, our 8 year old foster son gives us a run for our money, having lots of bad days. It has been a very hard season. Today was a good day. He had a great attitude and was really good. These days seem to be few and far between and I am glad today was good.

Today, I am thankful that there is so much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

November is my favorite month to read your blog