Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 8, 9, 10, 11 -- Compelling

I haven't posted in the last few days because I was without a computer and completely immersed in the planning and executing of Compelling 2012, InterVarsity's Fall Conference for Michigan. This blog post will not even begin to give words to the work that went on, but hopefully I can share just a bit of my thankfulness. May this post give glory to God for His work among college students.

1. Physical safety...easy travels, no sickness/injuries

2. 31 Albion College students in attendance, last year, there were 14.

3. 4-8 Albion students made a first time decision to follow Jesus. Total, about 36 students made a first time decision to follow Jesus.

4. I slept so well. I slept deeply, and had more sleep than I do at home. It is amazing when you don't have to wake up several times a night to deal with a crying baby.

5. One student in interested in leading the Albion chapter in starting a ministry with fraternity and sorority students on campus.

6.  7 international students attended from Albion (Indonesia, Mongolia and China). It is so sweet to see Jesus reign among the nations.

7.  Significant conversations with students.

8. My call to ministry was re-affirmed. The Lord knows I am needy and need to hear it about every 53 seconds.

9. I saw an old friend who was visiting the conference. She left staff with InterVarsity and I haven't seen her in a while. We chatted real quick in passing. She asked if she could pray for me and for our foster care situation. Tina my friend, the Lord is using your prayers. I was so encouraged and challenged to pray the things that Tina prayed for, in my own life, especially with G. I am so grateful that God allowed me to run into Tina in the hallway for a quick second.

10. Staff friends. Ya'll are my favorite people in the world. The only people that I can really be myself with. I love that my closest friends and staff. I love that we can be real and do the work of the Lord together. I love that I can come alongside you and work with your students and you come alongside of me to partner with my students. To God be the glory.

11. Excellent expositional teaching on the life of Joseph. I was fed well by the Word this weekend.

12.  My husband. I am literally bursting at the seams with love for him. Our marriage is so incredibly awesome right now. Trying times bring people together, right? That has totally been us. I enjoyed knowing that he was at home taking care of things all weekend. I loved the texts he sent me. I love that he cleaned (and tried to clean) the house for me. I love that he bought me flowers and told our foster son that I love pink.

13. Kyndall and Paiton-- two awesome girlies who came over on Saturday to watch the little boys while Jon did yard work.

14.  Lunch on Saturday with Albion students. I had such a fun time connecting with them.

15. Serving in a track/seminar teaching students how to lead on campus via intercession and prayer. I love prayer. It was incredible to have students walk in on Friday night, some with no prayer experience, a lot with "I pray for exams" and very few that actually intercede or pray regularly and to walk out Sunday afternoon with a deepened Biblical basis for prayer, tools, ideas on planning great prayer gatherings and actually enjoying prayer.

16. Obedience. This is probably a longer story, maybe for another post, or a conversation. If you want to know it's really cool:)) Anyways. I am thankful that God gave me the desire to be obedient this weekend. He allowed me to hear his voice and to clearly speak to me. It was a joy to be used by God, to be obedient and to see how my obedience changed the course of my Sunday morning (and all of those involved in my track/seminar).

17. Lofthouse cookies. They are my favorite. Jon had some for me when I got home today. He knows the way to my heart.

Compelling 2012 was amazing!


Anonymous said...

Awesome hearing about your ministry on campus! So encouraged by it :)

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Awesome to hear about all of this! YOu were on my mind every single day through out the weekend.
Love you, friend!!