Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3--Thankfulness

1. Seeing Raegan. I love my 9 month old niece, but living 2.5 hours away makes it hard to see her. It was so fun to kiss on her sweet cheeks today.

2, Family Photos. I am usually on the other end of the lens doing family photos. Today, I had a chance to get my photos taken. It was so fun....cold, but fun. Check them out here. (And yes...Wendi, my business partner took the photos.)

3.  A husband who is on the same team. It was a rough night with G, and I am so glad that I was able to run to campus and Jon was able to hold down the fort, knowing we are on the same team.

4. Witches Brew Wine. I haven't technically drank any tonight, but you can bet your bottom dollar, I will be.

5. Students who aren't afraid to have difficult conversations.

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