Monday, January 4, 2010

Weekly Check in #1

As an effort to encourage you to make 2010 a year of change, and as a means of accountability for myself, I will be doing a weekly check in on Mondays (hopefully) letting you know how I am doing at keeping my 2010 goals. Now, I know that my decisions in keeping these goals may not be life changing for you, but hopefully we can be an encouragement to each other as we press on to pursue the kingdom.

Goals for 2010
PHYSICAL- Lose 57lbs, run a 5k
So far this has been a great goal, and seeing results already. I have a dear friend who has graciously taken the challenge of training me. Following her work out plan, doing some of my own workouts (with exercise videos, walking, etc) and the South Beach Diet, I am 4.4lbs lighter this week!

SCRIPTURE READING- Read through the Bible in a year, memorize the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-135)
I AM LOVING my time in scripture. I am really devouring it, and my love for scripture is growing. I have read all 4 days of January and have memorized one verse a day for my memorization work. I am always amazed at what happens when I commit to memorizing God's word. I find myself thinking about His ways, desiring Him more...

READING- Read 12 books of spiritual development, ministry helps, etc.
It does not hurt that I started the year with 2 partially read books. I am hoping to have them done in the next week. Reading: Encountering God in the City, and Together in Prayer. Both books have been a great source of training for me, and I am excited to implement several of the ideas! Stay tuned to see how they are implemented!

SPIRITUAL- 1 retreat day a month, devotions 5 days a week, 20 minutes of prayer a day
When I make a commitment to spend daily time with the Lord in scripture and prayer, I am amazed at how I keep craving more and more of Him. It seems like the "structured time" I have is a time that just wets my appetite and I want more!!! I have been reminded this week that I do have a gift of intercession, and how little I use it to further the kingdom. How can I pray for you this week?

FAMILY- Be the best wife that I can be
Will this always be a struggle for me? I know it is a vague goal and not easy to measure....but at least it is always at the forefront of my mind.

FINANCIAL- follow set budget, pay off school loans, save for adoption
On New Years Day, Jon and I sat down and made our January 2010 budget. We are following the Dave Ramsey, envelope plan (using cash for everything). I LOVE making a budget. I like to tell my money where to go, and having control over our finances. We want to be great stewards, after all, we are just managing the money that God has given us....He is the owner.

MINISTRY- Volunteer in Albion, start neighborhood groups, learn about modern day slavery
January 19th, there will be a women's small group meeting in my home with the hope to see women transformed by the word as well as being a part of transforming others. We will be studying Hosea, praying together and serving together. Do you want to be a part of it?


Rachel said...

First of all - love your resolutions! I am a big believer in making goals for the year and love to "start fresh" in a sense :) I can't wait to hear and see what the Lord does in your life this year!

About the photo project - it was so much fun and I am so glad I did it! I got a kit called Project 365 from Creating Keepsakes, and for me it took a lot of the pressure off from scrapbooking. I love to scrap, but don't have the time and hate feeling the pressure build as I put it off longer and longer! I just checked and they are not selling that kit anymore, but if you go to Becky Higgin's blog at she has details about another kit she is offering (she used to work with Creating Keepsakes I think) called Project Life and it is pretty similar. It says they're sold out at the moment but are getting more - it looks pretty similar to what I did.

This year I ordered an album from We R Memory Keepers (from and divided page protectors. This way I don't have to do a picture every day and kind of combine scrapbooking with the easier way of just slipping photos into the pages. I am so excited for it to arrive! Hope this helps! If you have any more questions you can email me at

Happy New Year!

Linda said...

These are wonderful goals. I am joining you in Ann's challenge and look forward to reading about your progress.

Amy said...

wow, lots of great goals! thanks for stopping by my blog. I pray that memorizing the psalms you've chosen will be a great blessing to you and to those around you--may God give you grace to persevere and use your efforts to draw you and others closer to Himself!

Kala said...

My husband and I are in the middle of Financial Peace University. We are doing our steps! I love your goals and I'm glad you are starting the adoption process. Good luck! I'll be following your blog!