Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1 Month

Dear Caleb,

Today you are 1 month old! Can you believe it? I am so sorry that your whole first month of life has been in the NICU. Not a fun place, huh? At least you have some amazing nurses. I am sorry that we are not able to visit you on your 1 one month. We are working on that. It might be to your advantage that I am not there. I was thinking of bringing a birthday hat and celebrating with you. At least you won't be embarrassed :)

You have had quite the month sir. I just got off the phone with the NICU, you are are taking all of your meals from a bottle now, and are weighing 4 lbs and 6.5 ounces. Way to go baby boy!! You passed your hearing test and are doing so well. We are so proud of you.

We love you more than you will ever know. I hope the nurses spoil you today!!

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

He is so beautiful! :) I suppose you already know that though huh?
It sounds like he is doing phenomenal for a preemie!!