Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's a Boy!

At 9:30am this morning, my life changed forever!!!! We received a phone call that said there was a baby boy in the hospital, waiting to be adopted!!!!!!!

Some stats:
-Born Dec. 27, 2009.
-Born at 29 weeks, currently weighs around 3lbs.
-Currently on a feeding tube

So what are we waiting for? We need to get permission from the hospital to go and meet him. Working on that right now.....

Pray that we can meet our boy tonight!!!!


Stephanie said...

WOWOWOWOWOW!! Kristen! So exciting!!!!!! Can't wait to hear - I'll be in prayer.

Krista said...


Rachel said...

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Rachel called and told me this morning. Amazing! I can't wait to hear more. Praying for you today!

Rachel said...

I got a call right before I clocked in at work and have been dying to get home all day and see for myself! So excited! Is he in K-zoo or Ann Arbor? Can't wait to meet him! Praying you get to go tonight!

Amber said...

So just in case you didn't get the point I am very very very very excited and can't wait to hear more!