Thursday, November 18, 2010

What a year it has been.

Does it feel different? 

Sure doesn't. It is official now, in the eyes of the state, but I became a mother in January. Officially, the adoption was finalized on November 15, 2010, and boy oh boy was that a great day!

But it doesn't feel different.

During an ordinary meal, making ordinary conversation, Jon asked me a question that made me what to punch him, run away, hide and cry. Instead I ignored it (my defense mechanism of choice).

The question: "Do you think it is a coincidence that the adoption was finalized the same week that Noelle was born?"

Do I think its a coincidence? Hec no I don't!! I know that God is sovereign, I know that He has been planning  all along that Caleb would be a part of our family.

I can't believe the ways that this year is different. In so many ways it is different and I am so glad. Today I sat up in my bed and thanks God for the crying baby and the sound of my husband tying to console him. Music to my ears. Yes, the year is quite different.

I never did answer that question that Jon asked. I can't quite go back to last year. Because it. was. hard. My instincts are to run.

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