Monday, November 22, 2010

Compelling Update

For those of you who care, pray and give to the ministry that I work with, I give you some great Compelling 2010 snapshots of what happened!

-Almost 600 students, staff and volunteers attending the conference! This is the largest we have had in the past 4 years that the conference has been in existence.
-We had to close registration a week and a half early because of the huge number of registrants
-We used all of our reserved rooms and had to move to another hotel
-We had to had an extra track (class) for students, so that they could come
-40 students made significant decisions for Christ

What happened at Compelling with Albion students?
-One girl in a sorority committed to starting a Bible Study in her sorority in January
-5 students committed to having regular quiet times with God each day
-One girl said, "Compelling was very compelling. I think I will become a christian soon." She is still working through what this would look like and what she believes about God and Jesus.
-Students caught a vision for campus ministry and want to be a part of it! Wahoo!!!!

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