Sunday, November 28, 2010

I need your help!

In exactly one week....I am on Christmas BREAK! That's right. Now yes, I do have a lot of work that I have to get done BUT....I also have some good projects to get done around the house. 

So who wants to help....

-clean my house? 

-teach me how to use photoshop? 

-let me use you as a model so I can spend time taking pictures? 

-sew curtains? 

-cut vinyl (actually......I have Rachel's cricuit in mind:)) 

-Give me organization ideas as I make an office? 

-Watch Caleb? 

-Cook with me? 

-help me write, stuff, and send ministry update letters? 

-scrapbook with me? 

-wrap my Christmas presents? 

Basically, in 5 short days, I will have 6 weeks off of ministry work. I need a friend to keep me busy, y'all. 


Kimberly said...

A. I used to clean house one day a week when I did hair for some extra $$. I am a great house cleaner!
B. I have a sewing machine and the general knowledge of using it. I made the curtains in our house for our two antique windows.
C. I love hanging out with Caleb!

So, those are a few of the things on the list that I could definitely help with. There are others on there that I could help you out with too.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...


And take pictures. :)

And photoshop.

And hang out.


Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

And drink coffee.

Rachel said...

Okay, lets make a scrapdate now!! I have the week before and after Christmas off. Pick a day and I schedule it before my calender get's crazy! Txt me!

And I volenteer for having you take pictures. of me or my family. Only we need somewhere INDOORS!!!:)