Wednesday, February 3, 2010

An update from Panera

Why Panera? Well, I just HAD to update my blog for ya'll. Jon and I just signed paperwork agreeing to temporary custody of Caleb. We are hoping to bring him home late this afternoon!!!

There is still a lot ahead of us, but we have just crossed major hurdle. Some next steps:
-Carseat prep at the hospital
-CPR training for Jon and I at the hospital
-Bringing Caleb home
-finding a pediatrician
-figuring out Medicaid for Caleb, and transferring to our insurance
-Filing termination papers in our county
-Setting a court date for a termination hearing in our county (probably a month from now)
-a 21 day appeal period

Prayer warriors, it is ONLY your prayers that have led us this far. Will you carry us all the way? We have about 6 months -year of paper work and court hearings to make this final. At any point, birth mom can change her mind. PRAY!!! Pray!!! and Pray!!! Really, truly God has been so good and His fingerprints are all over this, but please don't stop!!!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Holy cow! I go away from two days on an internet-less retreat and I come back to find that you're PARENTS!!!!!! God is so good. I actually didn't read the two latest posts first. I read the third latest and I kept thinking, "God is totally shaping Jon and Kristin into parents", then the next post is that it looks like Caleb will be yours! I am thrilled for you both! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!