Wednesday, February 17, 2010

40 Days On

On the first day of Lent, there are some many people who are planning on what they are giving up for the 40 Day Season. Lent is the celebration leading up to Easter that many Christians participate in. I grew up never knowing much about Lent, and thought that it was just a Catholic celebration and because I was not Catholic, I did not have to participate. True, and false. I was not Catholic. And I did not have to participate, but in the past years I have done something for Lent that reminds me about the debt that Jesus paid on the cross, something that draws me into a deeper relationship with my Savior, something that takes a little extra work for 40 days.

This year for Lent, I am not giving anything up, I am calling it a "40 Days On." In the next 40 days, I want to take big steps to grow my faith, my knowledge of God, my dependence on the Lord, my knowledge of scripture, and protect my temple that God has given me.

1. (Re) Start Memorizing the Psalms of Ascent. I started doing this, and then Caleb entered my world. Babies make life so much more time consuming, enough said. I will be preaching on one of the Psalms of Ascent in March, and want to have 4 Psalms memorized by Easter. What a glorious way to grow in my relationship with the Lord!

2. Spend time EACH day in prayer and scripture. I was in a good routine doing that and then I let life with Caleb take, back to it.

3. Lose 20lbs in 40days. It will take some focus and hard work, but in order for me to be the best woman that God has created me to be, with this one body that He has give me, this needs to be done!

What are your plans for Lent? Do you celebrate it?

Leaving you with a video of my sweet boy.


Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

He's SO adorable!! Oh my!! It seems like he is doing phenomenally well with his development!
I really enjoyed your post. I grew up just like you said - thinking very little of lent and assuming it was a "Catholic thing". Your words certainly gave me food for thought.

Rachel said...

He is SO precious! =]