Monday, February 15, 2010

Now that there is a baby in the house....

-I need to work on my photography skills to take some great photos of the little guy

-I am cleaning more than ever

-I do more loads of laundry and dishes on a regular basis than ever before

-I am constantly clipping coupons and finding ways to save money on diapers and formula

-I know why mothers drink coffee

-I desperately need to get myself onto a schedule. Caleb is on a great, about me.

-One of the greatest sights is the two men in my life asleep on the couch together

-I feel like all is right...we have our boy

-I recognize the faithfulness of God

-I fall in love with Caleb more and more each day

-I fall in love with my husband more and more each day as I see him as a daddy

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