Wednesday, July 21, 2010

True or False?

True of False?
I never want to be pregnant

True or False?
My house is usually a mess and I can't stand it

True of False?
I really want a nice yard with beautiful landscaping, but I can't stand working in the yard

True or False?
I am mildly addicted to several different "guilty pleasure" tv shows

True or False?
I have had a crush on Jon since 7th grade...of and on..

True or False?
Jon had my grandma as a 3rd grade teacher

True or False?
I have a family of teachers

True or False?
I went to college to pursue a degree in Teaching English as a Second Language, but did not graduate with that major

True or False?
I have 3 main regrets in life: 1) not joining a sorority in college, 2) picking the wrong major in college, and 3) not secretly marrying Jon months before our wedding

True or False?
I want my kids to go to a four year college, even if we don't have the money to pay for it

True or False?
I think I am the most liberal person in my church

True or False?
I don't mind baby poop, but baby puke does me in

True or False?
I hate cooking, but would rather do it myself than have Jon mess up my clean kitchen

True or False?
I am an "all or nothing" girl

True or False?
I want a nose ring

True or False?
I have only had one boyfriend

True or False?
For 19 years of my life I did not think it was ok cry in public or in front of people

True or False?
I want to go to seminary

True or False?
I struggle with anxiety and depression

True or False?
You should not talk to me before I have had my morning coffee

True or False?
I have gained 4olbs since my wedding day (4 years ago)

True or False?
My husband constantly tells me I need to work on putting a filter on my mouth

True or False?
I want to live more simply

True or False?
I think going to the movie theatre is a waste of money

True or False?
I would move to Madison, WI in a heartbeat

True or False?
I am afraid to walk on grass because there might be a snake in it

True or False?
I am easily frustrated by Christians

True or False?
I want to open my own photography business, but will probably never do it because I am too insecure about my pictures

True or False?
We just left the year 2010 (by getting rid of cable, and our contracted cell phones) and are going backwards in time

True or False?
I have a lot to say and blog about, but hold back a lot in order to not offend

True or False?
We will adopt a again. A non-white child. Sooner than later.

It's true.
All of it.

Inspired by 4littlemenandgirlietwins


Kim said...

I was reading this and thinking, I think most of this is true. :) Then I got to the end. Great post. On the nose it. I would go with you. I've had mine for 7 years.

<3 Kim

Melissa Jaakkola said...

And I love you as my friend because of all you have listed (and so much more). BTW - your have an amazing eye...look at all the great Link pictures I have to prove that ;-)

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Ha! That's fun. I was guessing true for all of them too. :) Let's go get our noses pierced together. I'm turning 30 in February and was planning on doing it then.
LOVE, love, love your pictures too by the way. You inspire me.

Rachel said...

I love this post! It was so interesting to read...and after I found out they were true I went back to read them again! I think you are a most interesting person :) I would love to see more of your photos...and I'll be excited to hear about adoption plans when they arise :) So exciting!