Sunday, July 11, 2010

Proof {That HE DID IT!}

We left very early in the morning to make sure that we could get to the race location in time for Jon to register....both of my boys are looking a little tire. Jon had too much caffeine the night before, and Caleb was asleep until we parked the car......

Racing for Bethany, seeing that Caleb was a Bethany baby, Jon had a friend who works for Bethany and invited him and Saturday was a good of time as any to run his first 5k....

Crossing the bridge....past the halfway point. RUN BABY RUN!

There he is.......almost to the finish line.......

HE DID IT!!!!!

Caleb was proud of his daddy, proud, but also sleepy

Way to go honey on running your first 5k....first of MANY!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So exciting! I can't wait for you to join him. Wink, wink! Great job Jon! Looking forward to running in 5k's with you in the future!