Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Operation: Weight Loss (2 Month Low Carb) Day #8

Yay!!! It feels good to say that I am officially on Day #8. I am not really counting the days of low carb eating as much as I am counting other days (Bible in 90 Days, 30 Day Shred), but it is good to NOT see Day #1.

I have always loved low carb eating, once I get over the initial withdrawl:) I see success. So far I have lost 5 lbs since last Tuesday. I know I have gained endurance in working out. I am slowly thinking that working out and eating healthy will become habitual in my life. We shall see:)

5lbs down is a huge success in my book! It is the encouragement I need to keep going.


i want weight loss said...

keep updating with your new progress about weight loss

Malachi and Karalise said...

stoked to hear your making progress, i have lost 14 lbs since i have been back working. keep us posted
