Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Operation: Weight Loss (2 Month Low Carb) Day #1 (AGAIN)

When you fall off the horse, you need to get right back on.

Exactly what I am doing this morning.

Eating carb free went great last week.

That was until we decided to go up to the lake, lounge around and eat junk all weekend. Apparently it is really hard to diet during a holiday weekend, especially at my grandma's house.

That being said. Let's do this!!! Today is a new day, I have found new motivation and am ready to shed these pounds. Looking forward to a better update next Tuesday.

The bad news? I don't even want to share, but because this blog is where I am going to find accountability and support, I will.

I am up 4.4lbs. EW. Gross. Ok, and that is my complaining and self loathing for the day.

Today is a new day and I will own it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm up 2. You're not alone. Let's start shedding! =) Still praying for you.