Monday, July 25, 2011

A Late Monday Morning

I rolled out of bed at 8:30 this morning. Unheard of around here. Jon has been at work for a few hours and Caleb and I are definitely enjoying a quiet morning and sleeping in. We had a very busy weekend, and we needed that sleep.

Our time in Detroit was great. Jon and I have both been a part of urban ministry trips in Detroit, but we have never done them together. This was our first time together, and our first time having a child there. It was
 H A R D with a baby-almost toddler there. I was so glad that Caleb was there though. We want to have it instilled early on in our family that we do ministry together, we serve together and follow Jesus together. It may not be as hard as I thought, just realizing than an 18 month old is harder to work with than college students.

There is a lot of adoption talk going on at our house, for those of you who have been asking. If you have been paying attention, we have said that we would pursue foster care in July 2011. Here we are, almost done with July and we have not forgotten. We are so unsure of where to pursue at this point.  There has been a lot of discussion and prayer. This week there should be some emails sent and phone calls made.

I have lots of photo shoot ideas for my little man. This week may be the only week to get them done. I am looking forward to it!

Today will be spent catching up on my Bible reading. Apparently a 4 day missions trip isn't quite conducive for a 90 Day reading plan. Laundry will be done, including sheets, my bedroom will be cleaned, I will started back on my shredding (Day 9 today) and photos will be edited!!

What are you up to today?

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