Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy (belated) Birthday to My Hunny!

 We were in Detroit on a missions trip during Jon's 21st birthday--probably one of the hottest birthdays I can remember. Thank you midwest heat wave. In honor of  Jon's 29th birthday, I will give you 29 facts about the love of my life.

1. He hates leftovers
2. He won't eat melons of any kind.
3. He has taken up running and has lost over 50lbs in the last year.
4. He wants to own a motorcycle some day.
5. He went to college for: engineering, elementary education...and then....culinary arts.
6. He is the absolute best father in the world.
7. He may also be the absolute messiest person in the world. 
8. Unlike his wife, his idea of a vacation would not be to lay out on the beach all day.
9. He is not a fan of christian music, much like his wife.
10. He is loving on the youth of our church and becoming a part of their lives. I never thought I would see that happen, but it is fun to watch him grow in those discipleship and teaching skills.
11. He is a man that worships his creator through music, and I love it.
12. Give the man some tortilla chips, salsa from La Casa Mexicana (restaurant here in Albion), beer, and Gordon Ramsey and he will have a great night ahead of him. (Insert Gordon Ramsey with ESPN, Dirty Jobs, Myth Busters, etc.)
13. He does not like to read.
14. He had my grandma for a third grade teacher.
15. He knew he was going to marry me in September of 1998. We married July 16, 2006.
16. He loves Detroit.
17. He is incredibly easy going.
18. If you are driving in the left hand passing lane on the expressway, you may want to watch out, lest you face the wrath of Jon.
17. He thinks that having an SUV is synonymous with getting me to date him. (Not true, and quite the opposite.)
18. He grew his hair out in college.
19. He lived in a house with 5 guys in college. They had a lot of fun, but did not do a lot of cleaning or class attending.
20. He was in a band in high school and college. I hated it. We broke up.
21. He loves soccer, playing it, watching it and coaching it.
22. He is gracious and merciful.
23. He is an amazing cook, but would live off cereal.
24. He won't eat chicken nuggets.
25. I can see God's heart through him.
26. He has an understanding of scripture that he is not even aware of. I can't imagine what it would look like if he would really really tap into it.
27. I am certain that there is no one else in the world that I can see eye to eye with on the big things in the life, the big decisions, social issues, theological issues. etc.
28. He is the most amazing kisser. And yes, no one else would know that but me:) There is something about only dating one person and  marrying your high school sweetheart.
29. If allowed, I think he could quote all of Talledaga Nights to you.  

Happy Birthday to my hott man! Love you baby.

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Haha!! I am haunted by the memory of him calling you to tell you to return to the slow lane, every time that I forget to return to the slow lane... :)

This is great Kristin! I love how you put so much thought into it and made it so personal. :)