Monday, March 14, 2011

Urban Gardens (Thoughts on DUP continued)

Getting sick of hearing my stories about the Detroit Urban Plunge? If you are, take a break from reading this blog and resume reading next week, because I've got a lot to share, ya'll!!

You have 10 seconds to shout out as many adjectives as possible when thinking about Detroit---set go.
1. Poor
2. Concrete
3. Fox Theatre
4. Woodward
5. Red Wings
6. Broken
7. Traffic
8. Abandoned

Like my list? I am surprised about the Red Wings. I am NOT a hockey fan, but somehow that popped into my head.

I learned something about Detroit this week that completely has shifted my view and has given me ideas on how to implement it in my own community.

Detroit currently has 1000 Urban Gardens. You read that right. ONE THOUSAND URBAN GARDENS.

In backyards, on abandoned lots, in community spaces, etc, people are cultivating, planting and growing produce in gardens.


Why not?

No, really. Lots of reasons.
1. There is a serious lack of grocery stores and fresh produce within the city limits. Many people need to leave the city to get produce, travel a longer distance, so they simply shop at convenience stores for food.

2, Think about the community being built when neighbors come together for a common purpose, for the better ing of the community? What a great way to build relationships with those you live near.

3. Provides a new way of income.

Some of the Urban Gardens serve the neighborhoods in which they are grown, some people sell the produce at farmers markets, and there are even a few produce trucks/vans that drive through neighborhoods selling fresh produce, much like an ice cream truck.

Cool, huh?

Yah, I thought so.

Now only if I could convince my neighbors to start one so I can live off the fruit of their labor:) Trust me, we could not live of my garden.

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