Monday, March 28, 2011

Let's Talk About Sex

Sorry for my parents and my grandma who read this blog. You might want to check back at a later date:)

Is your mind going here?  Because my mind totally did. And now I am listening to that song, and will probably listen to it, over and over and over. I think it might be my theme song for the week.

This upcoming weekend, the InterVarsity chapter that I staff will be having a Girls Night. We will be making smoothies, doing nails, facials, eating junk and talking about sex. I can't wait.

The girls are to think of any question they have, write it down and give it to me. In the next week I will be thinking about ways to answer their questions.

I love talking about sex. I think we are too quiet about this great gift that God has given us. I want to help students understand this great gift, to be excited to share this with their spouse only, and if they have experienced  things that were not made for marriage, I want them to experience healing and the redemption of Jesus.

I want them to know that sex is good, that God has created it, and to help them to have a biblical basis for marriage.

I am so excited! So so so excited. And a little intimidated. It's not like I am a sexpert or anything. I am far from that, but I do want to be a voice of truth.

So, who's joining me on Saturday?


Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Ummmm - do you have to be a part of InterVarsity to be there??? ;) Have fun. Sounds like a very valuable night!

Kristi said...

I LOVE this, Kristin! MAAAAJOR props to you! This is one of the reasons that I want to be an OB/GYN-- to break the silence about taboo topics and empower women!