Thursday, January 13, 2011

One year ago today,

We were meeting our case worker in a McDonalds parking lot, exchanging directions and heading 2 hours away to the hospital where we would meet our boy. The weather was great, and the traffic was light. A great day.

We got to the hospital, and met with the hospital social worker. We received our passes to head on to the NICU. We went into the elevator, up to the waiting room across from the NICU and placed our coats there.....
This very room.....where my sister was patiently waiting for me:) 
We were ushered into the NICU, where we spent several minutes scrubbing our hands and nervously, sheepishly, looking around to see which isolet would be holding our baby boy. The social worker  led us to him and this is what we saw....

We were immediately in love. He was so small!!! He was a mere 3lbs, not eating on his own, almost keeping his own body temperature. We loved him. It was immediate. Folks, love at first sight exists. We quickly had our first family photo I will NEVER forget:) 

After a few minutes of holding him we had to go to the hospital cafeteria to learn more him, his birthmother, and the process for here. We felt great about the whole situation. It seemed like it was going to go very smooth and quickly. 

Jon left to go back home so he could go to work the next day. I stayed for a few hours and had my wonderful parents come and pick up. I went back to their place and they took me back to the hospital the next day. 

I look at that woman's face and see such hope. She has no idea the road she is going be on through this process. She has no idea how the love for her son is going to grow into something that word will never truly describe. Her marriage will be tested as they endure hardships together. She will learn the so much about herself, the power of prayer, and the God she serves. She will love unconditionally even when it is painful. 

What a a difference a year makes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post. --K