Monday, January 24, 2011

A note on the Sanctity of Life

Yesterday was Sanctity of Life Sunday. It is a time where Christians celebrate life. We were made in the image of God, and if we say that is true, then we should celebrate the grandest creation of God.

If you know Jon and I at all, you know we are pro life. I am can almost guarantee that you will not find me marching in a parade, having bumper stickers on my car, having signs in my yard or anything else that would "demonstrate" pro life. I know people that do, in fact we go to a church where a lot of people do. I don't think those things bring about change. I think they educate, but more damage is done than just educating. Christians are seen as Bible beaters bombing abortion clinics. I never ever ever want to portray Jesus as someone like that.

The Jesus I want to portray is a Jesus that says yes to life. A Jesus that says if we choose life, then we need to be able to care for those mothers who have thought about abortion. Am I giving my time, money and energy to those mom's who desperately need a helping hand, who think that abortion is the way out?

A Jesus that says yes to life, says yes to those children who need homes. If they are not aborted, and we tel mothers that adoption is an option, who is adopting them? We need to be adopting. Often. Willingly. Until it hurts. Until we see the world changed, because we are are portraying the Jesus that values life.

A Jesus that says yes to life, but no to slavery. How can we as a Christian church be so quick to ignore the slaves? If we say that life matters, if we say that we are created in the glorious image of God, why doesn't it bother us that 8 year olds are being sold all over the world, yes even in the US? Why do we shop in stores that feed the slave industry? Why are we not giving money, giving time, giving energy and educating ourselves on the ways that slavery is happening around us.

Life matters.

For the love of God, life matters.

Can you hear me? LIFE MATTERS. Ok, maybe you can hear me now.

The life of the mother wrestling to kill her baby or keep him. Her life matters. The baby that is born, but needing home. Her life matters. The child sold into slavery, yes honey, your life matters. It matters so much. The heart of God breaks over the loss and wrong use of life.

What am I going to do with this life You gave me?

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