Saturday, January 1, 2011


So much of me wants to write a post about 2010. About how 2010 was one of the most
 tear filled, 
marriage straining, 
wallet stretching,
redemption needing, 
healing years, 

But I won't bore you with all of that, because if you have been a reader of mine for any length of time you probably already know that.

How about I share some things with you that happened in 2010 that you might not know about?

-One day I received a letter from my very best college friend asking that we start writing letters back and forth. We have been writing for several months and our relationship and friendship is a more of blessing to me today that it has ever been before---even though we live across the country from each other.

-I am becoming more and more excited about being a woman, being feminine. I am still in the learning process of taking a long time to get ready in the morning, to do hair, and make up and wardrobe. I want to celebrate who God has created me to be, I want my husband to look at me and I want to be confident in who I am...a surprisingly a few extra minutes in the morning has helped with that.

-For the first time in my life I have wanted to fight through depression.

-I have started memorizing Psalm 119

-I have started working with the youth group at church. This is something  I said I would never do. I guess, never say "never," right?

-Became a bigger addict of scrapbooking

-Starting enjoying my quiet early mornings ----as long as there was coffee involved

-Saw God answer major prayers

-God has given me a new love for my family

-I have learned that I might not like my circumstances, but it doesn't mean that God has not called me to them

-we got rid of two of our cats (don't fret...they were sent to nice homes.....not like those nice country farms.....)

-We got rid of cable

-We traded our Yukon for a Honda Civic

-I have taken more photos than I know what to do with (oh wait, you probably know that)

-I questioned the gifts that God has given me more than I ever have

-I have held close to friends instead of walking away when things get tough

-I have been ok walking out of the house with baby drool on my shoulder and a snotty nosed boy in my arms

-I joined a gym and LOVE IT

-I still have not walked in my back yard

-I still hate nature and snow

-I am learning how to cook and bake (operative word: learning)  

-I have never loved someone more than I have loved my son

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So glad I am close enough to you to know quite a bit of your list. Thank you for being one of the friends you are walking with. <3 You.