Friday, July 20, 2012

Things My Kid Says #2

While walking the aisles of the grocery store, Caleb leans forward in the car and says, "Hey mama. I just met you. Can I have your number? CALL ME MAYBE." Ok, so he didn't get ALL the lyrics right, but definitely had the idea. I blame my 16 year old sister and her boyfriend for teaching him this pop song. It couldn't possibly because I sing it around the house all the time.
He still asks, about once week, "So mamma, how we doing?" I love it. It's like a relationship evaluator every week.
He always says, "I want somethin." This can be cute and entirely annoying, because a lot of the time, we have no idea what the "somethin" is.
Just this morning, he looked at me and said, "It Cay-ub and Kristin." Really? We are on a first name basis now? I thought I was mom to you.
C: "Mama, is my black skin white?"
Me: "God made you into a beautiful black boy with black skin."
C: "Mamas black skin is white?"

Getting there.
I hear this 5,000 times a day. "I go potty for I get candy."

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Love it! That first one had me cracking up! And I remember the time when I walked into a room and Matthew looked up and said, "Hi, Rachel!" Super weird!!!! Gotta love the things that come out of their mouths :)