Monday, July 9, 2012

The KRIST Klub Reunite

Two weekends ago, a friend from college got married. Yay weddings.

The best part = glorious conversation with one of my closest and dearest friends in the world, Krista. I am so grateful to have had some time to chat, catch up and share life together.

We HAD to make a stop at our favorite coffee shop, Kaya:) Isn't her preggo belly cute? 

No need to comment on how short I am compared to all my friends. 

Hey there good looking. Wouldn't red heels make this outfit complete? Yes, I think so too. 

Because we're animals?
Because we are weird?
Because we like to have fun?
What would your caption be?

1 comment:

Krista said...

Caption for the last photo: "Pretending that we like nature." :)