Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I am

I am....stalling as long as possible. When I get off the computer, I am cleaning my house until it is spotless.

I am....getting more sleep these days. Last week was terrible, dealing with Caleb having strep throat and a brief stay with a foster child.

I a weight loss challenge with other photographers. Winners receive a new lens. Now, how's that for motivation to put the ice cream down? So far, I have  lost 3lbs.

I over my head with editing photos. I have had a hard time balancing time between caring for a sick baby, actually seeing my husband and doing good for a client.

I am.....excited to where this photography business is leading us. So many good things happening.

I am....content with where God has us, waiting, in the foster care system.

I grateful for a summer off from ministry. At least, having it slow down. And for air conditioning.

I am....excited to be cooking healthy new meals for my family.

I am....ready to celebrate my husband's 30th birthday on Saturday!

I am....planning and day dreaming about our ten year anniversary trip.

I am...almost ready to clean:)

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