Saturday, April 21, 2012

A note from a friend.

"I love you more than the way I am acting.  I miss you."

I woke up this morning and checked my email like I do every morning, ( insert comment about adding a 12-step program to my life now:) and saw an email from a close friend. I love her dearly, and am so glad that our paths coolided haphazardly a few years ago. We run in completely different circles and had it not been for that chance meeting, we may have missed it. 

I am blessed to have this dear friend in my life. She is one of those who we can go months without seeing each other, and then like that, it seems like nothing was ever missing. 

Back to the quote...we both have been crazy busy lives, and don't see each other. 

But this sentence, just a few words strung together, is pulling on my heart. I cannot get it out of my mind. 

I see it ring true in my own life. I was disciplining Caleb for the 83445rd time this afternoon, and was losing my cool. I was getting so snappy, and thought, "Man, kid, I love you more than I am acting." 

How many times do I lash out on my husband, and give him the worst of me, and yet, he is the one I love the most? Why do we give those closest to us, our worst? And please, spare me hard feelings, and tell me you do the same. 

I am grateful for today for this reminder. 


sarilou said...

Yup, me too. I've told Matt many times that I've never said "I'm sorry" as much as I do now that we're married. I suspect the same will be true at Aven gets older :-/

Thinking out LOUD said...

I guess snapping my finger would be included in that. ;)