Friday, April 6, 2012

"Dear" Link Up

Dear Caleb, thanks for letting me sleep till 8 this morning. It was much needed. Dear house, can you please clean yourself? I am really over you right now. Dear yard, can you magically turn into an outdoor haven? A beautiful landscaping job? Dear Bike, Can you please fill the airs in your tires? I really want to take a bike ride with Caleb, and the fact that I have to fill the tires is stopping me. Lame, I know. Dear Lila, why must you track so much dirt into the house? Dear Caleb, get Lila's leash out of your mouth. Dear David, praying for you as you enter into the presence of Jesus. Dear book that I am reading, could you please make me stop crying? A girl's gotta process some junk in her life, and it is hard to do that when I know there is going to be never ending tears. Dear office, can we please pretty you up with some yellow and gray curtains? You know, you could take the leadership and it on your own. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for Good Friday. 

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