Saturday, April 9, 2011

So glad I listened

Most of the time I get frustrated with mommy friends who give me unwarranted advice. Some of that because I am stubborn and think I can do it on my own, but most comes from the notion that every child is different. Part of parenting is knowing what works for each child and what works for your family.

Many moms have told me about the amazingness of sign language. I was wary. Seriously? I don't know sign language, so how can I teach it to my child, and if I don't know it, how will I understand what he is trying to say to me? 

I have learned a few signs to help us get by, Caleb has watched Baby Einstein DVD's and my neighbors have been a great help in teaching this boy to sign. 


Once he connected that he could sign and we would give him what he wanted, the trantrum levels SIGNIFICANTLY decreased. 

He can currently sign: 
"Drink/cup/thirsty" (all the same sign) 
"Food/snack/hungry" (all the same sign) 
"Night Night" 
"All done" 
"All gone" 
"More" As in more food, more drink, more play time, more daddy, more mommy, more outside,---pretty much anything that he is not ready to be done with, he signs "more" 


Krista said...

Cutie Patootie!!! LOVE the signing! How freeing for him to be able to tell you things. Well done, Mom!

Unknown said...

As if I didn't already think he was as cute as a button... good grief...