Wednesday, February 16, 2011

When I post it on my blog, it suddenly becomes official

It all started with Jon's parents asking us to take a trip with them to Florida. Not that we haven't been thinking about it on our own, but somehow all of this trip talking made us sit down, talk and come to some conclusions.

Jon said something like, "If we say we are going to Florida in November, we are either starting the adoption process now so that we have a child by November, or we are saying that we are waiting until November." Wow. Really? Those are our only options?

Well, not really.

But we really did need to sit down and talk. Truth is, there are still orphans in the world. Lots of them. And it breaks God heart. Because it breaks God's heart, it is breaking our hearts as well. Who are we to put a timeline on giving a child a home? Is this really our calling? If it is, then we need to jump into our calling full force and become a father to the father-less.

It's true. We are working on adoption number 2. By "working," I mean that we will have our paper work into the state by the end of February.

This time things will be a little different. We are going to go through the state and become foster parents. We have chosen not to go through a private agency for several reasons, and have thought long and hard about how we would pursue adoption.

Ladies and Gentlemen, you heard it here. We are going to send in our application by the end of February in order to pursue adoption number 2.

Are we ready for the ride? Probably not.

Are we ready for the emotional rollercoaster? Yah, I can safely say that I am not excited about that.

But, this is our calling.

Come, Lord Jesus. Bring Your Kingdom!


Kala said...

Congrats! I can't believe I'm back on that rollercoaster. I understand all the feelings :)

Krista said...

YAY!!! Oh, this is such great news! I'm really, really proud of you two for following Jesus through adoptions. You are an encouragement and blessing to me. Thanks for being my role models!

Amber said...

How exciting!