Sunday, February 6, 2011

"I want to be like you, Dad"

There is no escaping it....Caleb is a daddy's boy. Daddy can do no wrong. He is so excited when he hears daddy's voice. He races to daddy when he comes home from work. He. Loves. His. Daddy.

This weekend I snapped some pictures that clearly show Caleb following in his daddy's footsteps (clearly for the woman who lives with both of these boys.)

Jon is midly addicted to tortilla chips and salsa. If he was left on a desert island with one meal, er snack for the rest of his life, tortilla chips and salsa would be his choice, no contest.

Saturday, Jon was upstairs, I left Caleb in the living room and I ran to the bathrom. I know, what was I thinking? I came back to this:

In the 35 seconds that I was gone, he managed to take his daddy's bag of tortilla chips, dive face first into the bag, and contine to eating all of the chips from the floor. When I showed Jon this picture, he said, "Well at least you got a picture of it, instead of cleaning it up."  I'll have you know, that 2 minutes after this photo was taken, the chips were cleaned up.

Caleb also loves when his daddy plays guitar. I think he takes everything in as if he is getting lessons from his dad:)

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