Monday, February 21, 2011

No Caleb!!

"No, no Caleb." You can hear my say that phrase approximately 2,912 times in a day, and that is probably an understatement.

"No, Caleb." Sorry, he was just putting the vacuum cord in his mouth. Ok, back to this blog.

My 14 month is learning that there are things he can do and cannot do. He totally knows what "No," means, he just doesn't know if it is worth it to obey.

"No Caleb." Sorry, he was just playing with fire. Ok, maybe not, but it feels like that sometimes.

How in the world do you teach a 14 month old right and wrong? If you have any great parenting discipline tips, this is where you would tell me what to do.

Because I don't know what to do, it mostly making sure that my son is out of harms way. I will always say "No, Caleb," when he decides to put my Bath and Body works wallflower in his mouth. When he is adamant about not eating veggies, or wearing only one sock, or making crazy noises, or any of the thousands of things that happen in my day, we let it slide.

"No Caleb," I just went and took some chewed up, saliva filled paper out of his mouth. Where was I?

Oh yes. The balance of discipline when it comes to safety, and letting things slide when they are not so much of a big deal.

Need to go, gotta stop this 14 month old from running with knives.


Rachel said...

Consistency and either a small slap on the hand or a little flick on the hand seemed to go a long way with my girls. A little pain to keep them from greater pain.

Right now you will feel like you are hopping up constently, but eventually with constency he will learn and the spoken no will be enough. :)

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

HA! You are hilarious! This is so, so true. Obviously I am right there with you. Kai has been biting his brothers when he wants what they have and I have been flicking his mouth, since he is using his mouth to commit the offense. So far it seems to be (slowly) working.
By the way, some how a month of his life snuck by me without notice. Remember when you were here last week and I said he was 15 month old? Yeah, he had just turned 16 months old, and when I realized that I kind of freaked out. Not sure HOW that happened. He's growing up super, super fast.

AND - I miss you.

That's all.