Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Guess what I did today?

I was supposed to drop off the boy I babysit for at "pretty school" (pre-school) for his class field trip,

but...we were late.....really late. So late that we missed the caravan to the farm.

I managed to get a set of bad directions and drove around trying to find a farm (I was willing to stop at any farm and walk up on it and ask if we could pet their animals)

WE FOUND IT!!! SUCCESS!!! His class was there, and we were all re-united!

Caleb did not sleep all day. I am pretty sure it was because he was utterly fascinated by his buddy.

I babysat 2 pre-schoolers, planted some plants, watched a friend plant some of my plants, made lunches, cleaned the house, snuggled with my baby, 2 meetings at church and....

finished Week2Day2 of the Couch-2-5K running program!

I need a massage.

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