Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And I proudly accept the "Mom of the Year Award."

Remember my last post about the rollercoaster? And Caleb being scared? And my feeling bad. Good.

On Saturday, after LOTS of cleaning, and house work we thought it would be a great idea to go get Jimmy John's for dinner (do you think if I mention their name enough on the blog, that I will get free meals? Because I REALLY LOVE JIMMY JOHNS. And free meals aren't bad either.) Jimmy Johns and a picnic in the park. Great summer night, right?

Until Caleb decided that he only like turkey in sandwiches. Not the cheese. Not the bread

Fine, you can feed your bread to the ducks.

And so he did. And he loved it.

Until the attack.

That's right folks. While Jon was giving Caleb bread, Caleb was throwing the bread into the water for the ducks, and I was being mom of the year taking pictures, we looked up and were surrounded by about 30 geese. 30 hissing geese.

At this point, I thought we should get out of there. Jon confirmed it with, "Get Caleb in the car now, they are attacking!"


Nature is better through a window friends.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Nature is totally better through a window! Point PROVEN. LOL - this WOULD happen to your child. :)